ch.10 *edited*

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Levi's pov

I was almost to the second place I was bringing Eren. He was talking about the things he loved to do, and he was thrilled. His joy was affecting me, making me feel the same joy he was.

I glanced over at him, he was staring out the window, probably wondering where we are going. His messy hair flowed everywhere in the breeze making it messier. The evening sky was a pinkish orange, and Eren's skin went perfectly against it. His skin was soft and beautiful.

I started thinking about what it'd be like to kiss him again, his soft lips against mine. I smiled at the thought of it, not realizing Eren was looking at me.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked. I looked over with a grin.

"You," I said. Eren gave me a questioning look, so I continued.

"I was thinking about how beautiful you are. How soft your lips were when we kissed, and how the sky went perfectly with your skin." Eren blushed and looked down. I came to a red light, and I took advantage of that.

"Eren," he looked up at me, and I grabbed his chin. "You're amazing." I pulled his face towards mine and lightly pressed my lips against his. Eren pushed a little more than me, making the kiss deeper. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, so I gave him what he wanted. Our tongues danced around each other, and my breath became short.

Eren wrapped his arm around my neck and tangled his hand in my hair. I pulled away for a second to breathe, and we connected once again. And all the sudden there was a honk interrupting us.

"Shit," I said to myself. I continued to drive once again. We were very close.

"Are we almost there?" Eren asked kindly. I nodded my head and smiled at him.

"We are about to pull in." Eren smiled brightly and said yay. I chucked at his cuteness.

I pulled in at the side of the road. I was bringing Eren to the waterfall behind the park where everyone went. It was a bit of a walk, but it'd be okay.

"Okay come on," I smiled at him. He slipped his hand into mine as we walked. Eren looked up into the sky and smiled. By now the sun was almost setting, so his skin was glowing against it. I wanted to touch his skin, holding his hand wasn't enough for me. I wanted more.

We were close to the waterfall, which made me happy because we'd be alone. Everyone was leaving the park so they wouldn't even go near the back. It was quiet for the whole walk, but comfortably silent. Eren's presence made me feel a lot better than I noticed because usually I'd be thinking things that aren't healthy for me. I'd be thinking about what Pixis told me instead of being happy and moving on; I'd have the urge to kill myself instead of being the strong one and moving on. But when I'm around Eren I think of him and happy things. Fuck, I can even picture a future. He's what I want, that's why I'm making it official today.

"Oh my gosh!" Eren gasped. I snapped out of it and saw that we made it to the waterfall. It was beautiful too.

"Levi! This place is beautiful!" He said happily. "I'm glad you like it here." I smiled at him; he decided to cradle my face and kiss me. I kissed back passionately, excited for what could happen tonight.

"Hey Eren," I asked for his attention. If I was going to ask him to be my boyfriend, I might as well do it now. He looked over at with a smile, but a questioning looks as well. And that's when I got nervous and blushed.

"I-I uh.." I trailed off, feeling my face getting hotter, "I wanted to ask you if you'd like to be my boyfriend?" I scratched my head nervously; my face was still hot too. Eren's smile didn't disappear; it seemed to get bigger if that was even possible.

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