ch. 13

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Eren's Point of View:

Once Hanji left the room, I looked over at Levi and was instantly concerned. His face was pale, and he wouldn't remove his eyes off of where Hanji once stood. I reassured him that it was okay, but once I did so, he fell to the ground and fainted.

"Levi!" I screamed. I bent down next to him and shook him,  but he didn't wake up. "shit, shit, shit." I mumbled to myself

I got up and walked to his desk and reached for the phone, I didn't know what to do, so I called Hanji's room number which laid on Levis desk on a sticky note. After a few rings, she picked up.

"Hanji speaking," she said excitedly.  "Get to the room!" I yelled.

"Eren? whats wrong?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "Levi fainted, and won't wake up, I need your help" I heard Hanji hang up without saying a word. I walked back to where Levi laid and started stroking his cheek. Less than a minute later, Hanji walked into the room and was hovering over him with a panicked look. "What happened?" She asked. I didn't know what to say, so I just shook my head.

"Call an ambulance; I need to call Erwin." I usually would have asked who that was, but I was too worried about Levi to care.

"911, whats your emergency?" a calm female voice filled up the silence.

"I need an ambulance here at SL Shoes as soon as possible please, my boss just fainted and won't wake up." I quickly spat that out of my mouth in panic; I need them to hurry up.

"Alright, we will be sending one right away, stay calm, please. Could you tell me what happened?" I blushed, remembering what happened before Hanji walked into the office.

"Well, someone walked the room when my boyfriend and I were kissing, and it was just an embarrassing moment for her to do so, and then he kind of went into shock or something and then fainted. I don't know what happened."

"Mhm," the woman began to say on the phone. "So he might of went into shock, but the ambulance will need to say that. They are about to arrive."

"Okay, thank you." she hummed into the phone again.

I hung up without thinking and went back to Levi, Hanji barged into the room with the paramedics and put Levi on the stretcher and went to the elevator. Hanji and I both went in the ambulance and went to the hospital with Levi.

"I hope he's okay," I spoke.

"Me too," hanji said

- Time Skip -

Levi was still unconscious, and it was giving me extreme anxiety. I kept coming up with little scenarios in my head, and kept telling myself he would wake up, but something also told me that he wouldn't. I wanted to know he was okay, but the doctors couldn't find out why he suddenly went into shock.

"Eren, you're spacing out again." Hanji snapped me out of it. She's been here with me all day, making sure that not only Levi was okay, but me as well.

"I'm sorry.." I quietly trailed off, looking at Levi. He was breathing quietly, his eyes shut and lip partly open. I so badly wanted to hug him, but I was afraid.

"He will be okay, I promise," Hanji reassured me. I wasn't going to lie, she was calming me down. But the anxiety wouldn't leave me. Instead, it was attacking me inside and out, and it was surely showing. I hadn't eaten yet either, so my stomach made a weird cry for food and it caused me to hold my stomach tightly; it hurt badly.

"Let's go, we're gonna go get some real food in your system. Visiting hours will be closing soon." Hanji smiled softly at me. I looked at her worried and then turned around to look at Levi's somewhat peaceful face.

"I'll give you a minute to say goodnight." She walked out quietly and turned to the right corner where the waiting room was. I silently walked to Levi and felt a warm tear slide down my cheek. I slid my hand into his and sat down next to him.

"I know I shouldn't cry. But I can't help myself because I just want to know if you'll be okay and wake up soon. I miss you," I trailed off. I didn't know what to say, so I just looked at his pale face. And then the real panic happened.

Levi's breath started to hitch, and suddenly a machine started to make a loud long noise, saying that his heart had stopped beating. Doctors came rushing into the room, pushing me out of there, but I cried and plead them to not make me leave, but Hanji was already pulling me out before I could persuade them. I struggled to get out of her grasp and I so badly wanted to go back in there.

How did this even happen? Why was it happening? Why!

- Levi's Point of View -

It was black. Cold. I was terrified and I couldn't see where I was and all I could remember was passing out on the ground. Then realization took me and showed me where I was.

I saw Eren being pulled away from my lifeless body, he was screaming, and crying. Doctors surrounded by me, trying to make my heart beat again. I could see my chest fly up as they pressed something to me. They kept screaming numbers and saying I didn't have a pulse, and each time they did I heard a loud sob from Eren.

"Levi," a soft voice from behind me spoke. I turned around and furrowed my brows. Who was that and why did they sound familiar?

"Levi baby, it's me. Mom." I looked closer at the lady in front of me. She had long, black silky hair. Her face was slim and she wore a smile and had tears in her silver eyes. It was her. It was my mom.

"Mom?" My voice cracked. She couldn't be here, how was she? I wanted to ask so many questions. What happened to me? How was I seeing her right now? Is she okay? Who killed her? Where's dad? I wanted to tell her I loved her.

"I can't answer everything right now, hun. You need to go back." She said. I was confused, why would I go back?

"Because you need to be there for Eren sweetie, he needs you and you need him." I shook my head and felt tears run down my face. I finally get to see my mother and she wants me gone?

"It's not that I don't want to see you, baby, I just want you to live. its too soon for you to go. it's not your time yet." She spoke so calmly, yet I could hear the pain in her voice. She then gestured towards Eren who was sobbing in Hanji's arms who was also crying, I looked over and saw Erwin as well who was crying along with Petra. How? Why where they all here?

"Baby you went into shock for starving yourself and lack of sleep. Once you went into panic mode, your body was taking on too much and decided to shut you down." she trailed off and went quiet.

"Mom, I miss you. Please don't make me go back." I sobbed. I want my family back.

"I love you, Levi." My mom then disappeared.

"Mom!" I cried loudly, I couldn't lose her again. "Mom!" I cried louder if that were even possible. I kept screaming till my throat burned.

"PULSE!" The doctor screamed louder than I've ever heard someone scream. And then I saw the light and felt my body swing up and I gasped for air. My throat hurt, and so did my lungs.

heya, will that makeup for my absence? sorry for being inactive for so long, I had writer's block and school has been shitty and I'm just going through bad situations lately. But I've gotten the inspiration, and motivation to write again so!! Yay! Also, go check out my newest book "Ereri/Riren pics and one-shots" and go leave a vote and comment :) love you guys

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