ch.7 *edited*

51 7 9

Levi's pov

I was feeling a bit buzzed by 10:30 pm. Eren said he'd stay with me and bring me home because he doesn't want me to drive buzzed or drunk. In spite of stubbornness on this situation, and me not wanting him to return me home, I still let him.

Eren was a sweet boy. And I liked that about him. This kid didn't even know me, and here he is, helping eat properly again, staying with me while I get drunk at work, and taking me home, who knows, maybe he'll do something else for me.

I started to notice more things about Eren. His eyes were brighter than I first noticed them. I saw more color and light in them, happiness.

His hair looked utterly soft. It made me want to run my fingers through it and never stop.

His skin was a tiny bit tannish. And I could see that he was pale. So that meant he'd burn, but he'd slightly tan afterward. His skin also looked soft. Which made me want to touch him.

He also had this smell. It was a pleasant smell, kind of like peppermint and tobacco. That's what his clothes smelled like anyways. But when we were in the bathroom, and he'd huddle over me, and sometimes his bare skin would touch me. And I feel like every person has their smell. Not like a perfume or anything else. It was a natural body smell. And Eren's was sweet. It was a pleasant smell. I liked it.

He's always smiling at me. But I wouldn't do anything back except stare at him. I felt terrible, but it wasn't my fault. I just didn't have any emotion to do anything. Plus I was on my way of getting pretty drunk. And Eren didn't seem to like it.

"Levi, please stop drinking. It's bad for you." He'd ask over and over. Or try to demand it. But me being stubborn always put him down.

"No Eren, I'm fucking fine," I rolled my eyes. Eren sighed after that. "Levi, its midnight. We need to go home."

I got out of my chair with the bottle of empty whiskey in my hand. I almost tripped, but I caught myself. "No more alcohol," Eren snatched the bottle out of my hand, and I started pouting. "Please," I said kindly. Eren looked at me like he'd slap me if he could. "No. No means no," after I heard that, I closed my other drawer which had other alcohol in it.

Eren grabbed my hand and led me outside of the empty building. It had been that way for an hour. And I could tell Eren was tired, but he kept himself tidied up to take care of drunk me. In all honesty, I felt terrible.

"Thank you, Eren." I smiled when he pulled up at my house. I started to step out if the car, but Eren grabbed my arm. "Levi, would you like me to stay with you till you're okay in the morning?" 

Hmm. Is Eren staying over at my house? Where would he sleep? With me? No....

"Erh, I don't know where you'd sleep." That's all I said. Eren nodded. "I could sleep on your couch." He suggested.

"Okay, fuck it. Let's go." Eren got out of the car to help me into my house, which was unnecessary. But he insisted that he'd help me. So I let it slide. I remembered that I wanted to touch his hair, so I hesitantly moved my arm up to his head and ran my fingers through his hair. His hair was soft, just like I imagined it would be.

Eren looked over at me with a faint blush covering his cute cheeks. I smirked at him and stopped combing through his hair.

Eren stopped at my front door and asked for the keys to it. "Hold on; I'll get them." No shit Levi, he asked you to give them to him. I shook my head; I was quite annoyed with myself. If I liked Eren, why couldn't I just admit it to myself? Why did I have to follow those rules Kenny gave me? Was Kenny even alive? Probably not. So why the hell am I worried about his words? Why couldn't I just go on my own?

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