Chapter 1: Our Nights

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Chapter 1: Our Nights (Taylor’s P.O.V.)

                This was not how I wanted to be spending my Friday evening, especially when I had homework to do. This was also a reason that I hate street corners. I hate them even more when I am standing on them in minimal clothing.

                Just as I finished that thought, a sleek black car pulled up to the corner and a door opened. Out stepped a man in his thirties with short brown hair. There was some stubbly on his face as he appeared me, his hazel colored eyes never leaving me.

                “Where is Ann?”

                “She is out with a client,” I answered him.

                He nodded his head in understanding, “Good. I would like the two of you to report to me tomorrow night instead of your normal routine.”

                “Okay.” I said.

                He turned and got back in his car before he was gone just as quickly as he had appeared.

                I really hated that man. He was a conniving little liar who used peoples’ desires and weaknesses to get what he wanted. That was why I was in this mess to start with, and I wasn’t even actually in this mess. I was just the good friend with a guilty conscious. Ann had thought that she had been helping us out, but she had only gotten herself mixed up in this crowd so bad that she was stuck.

                I heard another car pull up to the curb. I immediately recognized the car as the same one that Ann had left in. I watched as she stepped out of the car looking at the ground.

                “I’ll see you around, sweet pea,” the guy in the car said as he smacked her ass. I growled in my throat as the car pulled away. I hated that guy too. He was one of Ann’s regulars.

                She walked over to me clumsily. She rested her head on my right shoulder as she made a noise between a sigh and a groan. I reached my left hand up and began to pat her head, her dark brown locks slipping around as I did.

                “It’s okay,” I tried to comfort her. She just shook her head at me.

                I sighed, “Let’s go home.”

                “But…” she started, “What about the quota?”

                I shook my head at her, “Don’t worry about it. We have it.”

                She sighed as we began the journey back to our apartment. A couple of blocks over, my car was sitting in wait for us. And across town, our nice cool apartment was waiting for us. It wasn’t the hottest night tonight, but Florida nights aren’t the coolest.

                “How much longer?” Ann asked me as she tried to pull her dark blue skirt down some. I knew she hated the thing, but it was part of what we had to wear.

                “Not long,” I said as I saw our street come into view. I felt the same way she did, but I just wanted to get home and go to bed. However, I wasn’t going to get that luxury. I had a stack of homework on my desk waiting for me, and I had class in a few hours. This whole accelerated college thing was great, expect for my lack of time between my schooling, my job, and my new night habit. This was really wearing me out.

                I don’t know. Maybe I could get some sleep after I got back from class, but I highly doubt it.

                “We’re here,” I said as I pulled into my parking space outside our apartment complex. Now, to try and go back to being normal for a few hours.

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