Chapter 2

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Stiles PoV

I ran straight into my house, slam the door and run up the stairs. Luckily my dad wasn't home so that just made this easier, I felt bad about what I am going to do but it's for the best.

I pulled out a large duffle bag and went to my drawers, I pulled out all my underwear,shirts,trousers then threw them in the bag and went to my bedside table and pulled out all my money I had been saving and there was a picture of me, my dad and my mom there. I looked at it for a moment and thought back to that day when I was happy and my mother was still here. I missed my mother so much and after she passed it sent me into extreme depression. I miss my mom so much and then I felt a warm liquid run down my face and I realised I was crying, I then also realised that I cry way too much.
I stuffed the picture in my bag and ran to my desk and pulled out a pen and paper.

Dear dad

I'm so sorry but I'm leaving beacon hills. School has been too much for me to handle recently and the pack kicked me out, I don't have any friends here anymore and you're the only reason I hesitated about leaving. I love you so much dad but I need to leave and get away from everyone. I don't have any intention on coming back anytime soon but I'm not going forever. Please don't try call or find me because I'm leaving my phone and I'm hoping for a fresh start. Please keep a healthy diet and please please please do not start drinking again. I don't know where I'm going to but I know it will be better than this hell hole of a place. I love you , I'm sorry

From stiles

I finish my note and throw it on the bed along with the phone that I won't be taking. I had just bought a new one with no contacts so I still have a phone but no one can get to me. I grab my bag and run down the stairs because my dad is going to be home soon and I really don't want to have to say goodbye in person and I know that sounds selfish but if I do I know I will end up staying.

I hop in my jeep and take off. I have $6,000 with me which were my savings meant for collage but I need it now. I head straight for the airport, London here I come.

Scotts PoV

I felt really bad about kicking stiles out the pack and the look on his face when Derek told him tore me apart. " Scott?" Stiles asked but I felt so bad I couldn't even look at him. " get out " Derek said and with that stiles was out the loft as fast as possible. " Derek did you really need to be that harsh " I ask because I know he really didn't. "yes and I don't want any of you talking , sitting or even looking at him at school" and that made me angry because derek hadn't even given us a reason for this and stiles was my best friend and I should be able to talk to him when i want. "no" me and Isaac say at the same time. Isaac had seemed to alot closer to stiles recently even though Derek had told us not to be with him as much as possible. "you will listen to me because I am your alpha, you DO NOT talk to him tomorrow " he said flashing his alpha eyes at us making us cower into the corner. " you guys have all been too busy ignoring him to notice how sad he is already, have you not seen his wrists or wondered why he always wears long sleeves and I know they're not cat scratches like he told me when I asked and I also know he doesn't like being surrounded by us because it makes him feel insecure about himself and that he has severe depression so how do you think this is going to play out Derek because I know it's not going to be good STILES IS DYING FOR FUCK SAKE AND YOU ALL NEED TO PULL YOR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES"Isaac yells and I just stand there in shock, stiles self harms and has depression ? How had I not noticed ? Why hadn't he told me , oh wait that's because bloody Derek had told us not to go near him and I had to follow you his orders then realisation kicked in, Omg what's he going to do now ? All these questions were coming into my head. I looked at Derek to see he was just stood there with a shocked expression on his face. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT " I yell at Derek. I quickly got up and ran to my bike, threw on my helmet and drove home. I didn't think stiles would want to see me right now so I hope that he isn't doing anything stupid.

( a/n I'm gonna miss the whole airport and currency change into pounds and getting his car across cos that's all boring so let's just say he miraculously appears there and he's going to live with his aunty and uncle ok)

Stiles PoV

I get in my car and just drive, it just hit me that I'm in London , another country from everyone I know apart from my aunty and uncle who I had called before I left to see if I could stay with them for my journey in London and they said yes and has sent me directions so I was currently on my way there. I hadn't seen them in years , since before my mother died , and I was nervous. My plan was to come here to get away from everyone and forget everyone at what I used to call home apart from my dad of course.

My uncle was a very good fighter and said he would give me lessons everyday and that i could stay in there house and in return I had to get a job which was going to be fairly easy since I have amazing grades and I'm 17 so legally I can get a  job. I turned the final corner and saw a big, white mansion. My aunt and uncle were rich since my uncle owned many fighting clubs across the country and said if I get good enough I could get a job fighting for him but we all know I'm weak and that's never going to happen. I stopped my car, jumped out , got my luggage and said hello to my new life.


Chapter 2 sorry that one sucked abut but I didn't know how to get him to England
1164 words

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