Chapter 3

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Johns PoV

I walked into the house after finishing my late shift at work. I slowly took my shoes and coat off then snuck up the stairs because stiles way usually asleep at this time. I crept past his door not bothering to check on him and went into my room the went to bed.

I woke up and saw it was 7 am so I went into stiles' room to go and wake him up but was greeted by an empty room and a piece of paper on the bed. I uncrumpled the paper and read

Dear dad

I'm so sorry but I'm leaving beacon hills. School has been too much for me to handle recently and the pack kicked me out, I don't have any friends here anymore and you're the only reason I hesitated about leaving. I love you so much dad but I need to leave and get away from everyone. I don't have any intention on coming back anytime soon but I'm not going forever. Please don't try call or find me because I'm leaving my phone and I'm hoping for a fresh start. Please keep a healthy diet and please please please do not start drinking again. I don't know where I'm going to but I know it will be better than this hell hole of a place. I love you , I'm sorry

From stiles

My heart sunk, stiles had actually left me because of school and the pack that my son had always spoke so highly of. Why didn't he just come and talk to me but then I realised that everytime he had tried to talk to me over the last month I had just told him to either go away or go to bed because I was busy with work. I immediately got up and called Melissa because I needed to talk to Scott and see if he was the reason behind this.

Scotts PoV

My mom came in and handed me the phone " it's for you" I took the phone off of her

* phone convo bold for John and normal for Scott*
Scott have you seen stiles anywhere
No why
He's left a note on his bed saying he was leaving beacon hills because of school and the pack and his room is empty
I'll read the note out to you that he left
Dear dad

I'm so sorry but I'm leaving beacon hills. School has been too much for me to handle recently and the pack kicked me out, I don't have any friends here anymore and you're the only reason I hesitated about leaving. I love you so much dad but I need to leave and get away from everyone. I don't have any intention on coming back anytime soon but I'm not going forever. Please don't try call or find me because I'm leaving my phone and I'm hoping for a fresh start. Please keep a healthy diet and please please please do not start drinking again. I don't know where I'm going to but I know it will be better than this hell hole of a place. I love you , I'm sorry

From stiles
Do you have any idea where he could've gone?
No, I can't believe this
Well I've got to go find my son

* end of convo *

I quickly rushed out of the house, got on my bike and drove straight to Derek's.
Once I arrived I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, opened the door,ran to Derek,who was reading a book, grabbed him by the collar and threw him across the room. I then walked back to him."THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" I yelled at him and he just sat there with a confused expression. " STILES HAS LEFT BEACON HILLS AND HE ISNT COMING BACK OR HAS NO INTENTION OF COMING BACK, HE ALREADY THOUGHT SO LITTLE OF HIMSELF ANS YOUVE JUST MADE IT TEN TIMES WORSE, HE COULD BE DEAD IN A DITCH RIGHT NOW AND I WOULDNT KNOW " I yelled getting seriously pissed at Derek. Derek's face changed from confused to worried. " I DIDNT KNOW HE WAS GOING TO LEAVE" Derek yelled back " well what exactly were you trying to do ?" I ask him and with that Derek storms out of the loft and into the woods.

Derek's PoV

I hadn't meant for stiles to leave and I didn't know he thought so little of himself, I always thought he was a happy, smart teen. I told the pack I kicked stiles out because he was going to get us killed but the real reason was I liked him, well my wolf was addicted to him. His scent set my wolf off inside of me and I found it hard to keep control of him and I needed it to stop. I couldn't confess to stiles that I was addicted to him - well my wolf - I kept telling myself but I knew I liked him too but I kept denying it. So the only solution I could think of was kicking him out the pack so I wasn't near him and his beautiful scent that was like chocolate and vanilla.

I was searching the woods trying to catch a scent so I could find him but there was nothing. I kept looking all night until it got to the point where I could see the sun and I knew that I wasn't going to find him tonight so I headed home, went to my drawer and pulled out one of his hoodies that I had stole. I know that sounds creepy but It was for his scent. I just loved it so much and I would always smell that hoodie when ever I needed calming. I got into my bed with the jumper held up to my nose, I took a long sniff of it and that somehow managed to calm me enough to let me fall into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Oh what we got here

1008 words

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