Chapter 18

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I know I have been lacking in content recently and I am very VERY sorry, I will say though that I am going to start updating a lot more often and I'm going to go back and add detail to previous chapters because they are ver bad.


Derek had been awake for an hour but hadn't moved a muscle after getting out of stiles. Stiles was curled up clinging to Derek, head on his chest and arm wrapped around dereks torso.
Stiles' face was relaxed, not tense as Derek had been seeing recently and derek thought he looked adorable, all curled up with a small smile making the edge of his lips curve. Stiles nuzzled his head into dereks chest hair and his hand twitched over his abs as he slowly woke and derek couldn't think of anywhere he'd rather be. 

Stiles' nose twitched and his eyes slowly opened to reveal those whiskey brown irises and in the moment stiles looked very innocent, like he had done before everything with the supernatural stuff had happened. Stiles stared up at Derek for a moment before his brow creased and he slowly sat up, keeping eye contact with him. He hair was tousled from their late night events and sleep but it looked good on him, very good.

Stiles moved so he was straddling Derek and fixed his eyes on dereks lips. Slowly he leaned forward and placed his lips on dereks in a slow, delicate kiss that only lasted a few seconds before he pulled back and ran his hand through dereks hair then gave it a few tugs which is rewarded with a growl of pleasure.

" morning " he says and fuck, that morning voice. Derek put both his hands on stiles' hips and squeezed hard.

" morning" Derek says back with an equally sexy morning voice. Stiles moved his hips to the side but then scrunched up his face in disgust.

" I'm going for a shower" stiles said still in the same disgust and derek understood why he was disgusted. Stiles climbed off of Derek and made his way to the bathroom.

" you coming or what ?" He said once he got to the doorframe. Derek smirked and stood up then made his way over to stiles.

After a long and Thorough shower they were both cleaned and dressed, ready for the day. They were both wearing their leather( as usual) and walked down the stairs of stiles' house with their hands locked together.

When they walked into the kitchen they saw the sheriff sat at the table, eating with a newspaper on the table.

" morning old man" stiles said

" morning little shit" the sheriff replied and derek was struggling not to laugh but then he got an odd sense of deja vu. This was exactly how him and his father used to be when he was alive. They would have this light banter every morning and it made dereks heart hurt.

Sensing his distress, stiles squeezed his hand tight and drew back from the conversation with his dad.

" theres breakfast on the stove for the both of you" the sheriff said and stiles nodded.

" thanks" stiles said and walked over to the stove, letting go of Derek hand to serve the food onto 2 plates.

" do you like bacon and sausage" stiles and Derek really wanted to make a comment of the sausage part but his dad was in the room so he just nodded his head.

Whilst stiles was serving the food he heard the sheriff call his name so he turned to him.

" sit down" he said and pointed to the seat infront of him. Dereks nerves kicked in because he realised this was going to be the whole , hurt him and I'll kill you speech. Stiles took both plates to the table and sat next to Derek who was across from the sheriff. Stiles grabbed dereks hand under the table as a sign of encouragement and the sheriff began talking.

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