Chapter 8

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The whole chapter is dereks POV

I woke up at around 10am. That was really weird because I'm always up and ready by 8am without needing my alarm clock. I was never nice in the morning to anyone but I was always awake so early . I remember one time when I woke up to Erica telling me she needed help with getting ready for school and I got so pissed with her that I stood up and growled really loudly to tell her I was in no mood for her shit and she just cowered in the corner , that was back when I was the alpha and I really do miss having that authority but I saved my sister with that power and I would choose Cora over power any day.

I headed to the bathroom to have a shower. Normally when I was in the shower I would stay in for a little longer but since I was up late today I was showered and dressed in a matter of minutes which could be a new record for me. 

I heard someone knocking on the door so I put on my usual resting bitch face and headed to the door. I swung the massive metal door open to see Scott staring at me with slight panic.

" I need to talk to you " Scott says so I move aside so he can enter but when he just stays frozen on the spot I speak up .

" you coming in or .... wait shouldn't you be at school" I say

" that's the thing " Scott says walking in . I close the door behind him and sit down in my chair. When he doesn't speak I raise one of my famous hale eyebrows at him .

" stiles was at lacrosse practice today , he's better than me and he's also co-captain of the team now with me. He has a legitimate 10 pack Derek - i didn't even know that was fuxking possible and I think he managed to turn all the straight guys on the team gay which I also didn't know would be possible , can you go try talk to him after school or something to change his decision?" Scott asks and I just sit there.

" you expect me to go and try to get him off the team because he has abs ?" I asked slightly confused.

" yes , just please do it Derek I want him to be my friend again but I know he's already plotting something against us because of what we did to him and to be honest I don't blame him " Scott says

" fine I'll do it will you leave me alone now and go back to school ?" I asked him

" yeah" then he gets up and leaves.
I just sit there thinking and my mind slowly wanders to the thought of stiles' abs . Before my fantasy becomes too vivid I slap my self to get myself to stop. I am Derek hale I do not think of people like that.

I get my book from the coffee table and start to read

*after school ~ stiles' jeep*

I got out of my SUV and saw stiles jeep across the yard so I wandered over and leant against it with one foot propped on the wheel. I remember stiles told me the reason behind why he never got rid of this junk of a jeep and it was because his mother had always wanted this car , when she finally got it she was put in hospital the week after with something called fronto-temporal dementia and she died in hospital shortly after . He kept the jeep in honour of his mother and has had it since he was legal to drive. I don't blame him because I know how it feels to lose someone that close to you.

I was knocked out of my train of thought by hearing a person walk towards me so I turned to see stiles.

" oh look who it is , big bad beta hale" he says

" stiles I just want to talk to you" I say

" then talk " he says dryly and all of a sudden I get hit with the smell of stiles. It was almost hypnotising. I was here to talk about Scott and the team but I couldn't stop my self .

"I've been wanting to talk about you and this may sound weird but your smell" I say to him when I start to feel my wolf take over. He just raises his perfect eye brow at me urging me to keep talking. Suddenly my wolf just takes full control.

"you just smell so good and it's like I can't function properly when I'm near you" I say walking towards his slowly up until the point where my nose is in his pulse point. I start to really enjoy it and maybe start to get a bit of a hard-on ( I said maybe) until he grabs me and throws me to the floor. I'm not gonna lie it hurt like a bitch but I'm thought so I just made a very manly ' umphhh' noise as my back hit the floor and I swear I heard it crack. He lent down until he had one knee in the middle of my chest and was pining me down .

" don't you EVER touch me again, EVER " he yells at me and I was becoming more scared but still filled with lust.

I'm so sorry stiles my w-" I say as my wolf starts to calm down even thought stiles was so close to me leaning on my chest which was beginning to hurt. My wolf was calm down from fear.

" your wolf took control and you couldn't stop your self yes I know and for the fact , I'm not the only one who smells nice " he says leaning forward . He presses his nose to my pulse point and took a large sniff and I just froze underneath stiles because the same thing was happening to me. I was starting to piece things together and suddenly stiles just stood up and took off in his car. I stood up and was terribly confused until

I realised that me and stiles were mates.....

There ya go , dereks POV of the day. Hope you like it xx

Words: 1050

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