Chapter 12

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Dereks POV

I wake up and feel a hot source pressed against me then last night floods my memory and I smile. I look at stiles who looks so peaceful and doesn't smell of anger or sadness like usual - he smells calm and content which makes me smile even more if that's possible.

He starts to stir besides me so I just put my head down and pretend to still be asleep because who knows how he's gonna act when he wakes up to being pressed completely naked against me. He grunts and turns oven so he's lying on his back.

" i know your awake" he says and runs his fingers from the top of my chest to my v-line. I just turn my head to look at him and he smiles which I take as a good thing. I just hum in acknowledgment and he grabs me by my hips and pulls me on top of him , in line head to toe.
He brings his lips to mine and gives me a passionate kiss which I happily return but it soon turns into a heated make out. I pull away because as much as I loved last night , we needed to talk about it.

" stiles we need to talk about what ever this " I motion to our bodies "is" I finish

" well what do you want to say " stiles says and I start tracing over one of his tattoos on his chest which I found REALLY sexy but I would never tell him that.

" well what are we because I know your pissed about what happened last year but you never gave me time to explain why I actually kicked you out the pack. "

" I kicked you out because I knew you were my mate or atleast I thought you were because your smell was addictive and you smelt like home and family which I loved but I wanted to protect you"

" we were about to fight something bigger than ever before and I didn't want you getting involved in that so once we defeated the thing we were gonna ask you to come back and be pack again but then you left and we were all heart broken. I had one of your t-shirts on my pillow so I could have your smell fill my senses when I went to bed for gods sake and I didn't want to hurt you and I definitely didn't mean to but after you left the pack went to shit without having you to constantly mother them and take care of them and I just couldn't do it - most of us cried our selves to sleep every night " I finish off and stiles wraps his legs around my waist and arms around my ribs while he nuzzles his head into my collar bone and I just hug him back tightly.

" I'm not leaving again " he says quietly.

" does this mean you'll join the pack again ?" I asked hopefully .

" yeah but I am NOT going to mother then any more, I am a different person to the stiles you used to know and that shit is not alright with me " and I almost Jump for joy but I couldn't since I had a lump of muscle on me. Speaking of which .

" okay ... and how the hell did you get so buff , you used to be so skinny and agile now your a lump of muscle" I asked.

He laughs into my collar bone
" I worked out for 6 hours a day for a year " he said which makes me gasp a little bit then laugh.

" oh my god , and I thought I worked out a lot " I say.

Suddenly my phone beeps and I reach to get it. I get surprised when I see that the text is from that Jennifer chick that I went out with about a year and a half ago which I barely even remember , to be honest I was just dating her to try and get stiles out of my head which failed miserably.

The message red

Hi der I know we broke up last year due to me leaving but I'm back in beacon hills and I was wondering if you wanted to meet for lunch sometime xx Jennifer.

I just put my phone down and turned back to stiles.
" who was that " he asked

" oh no one just this girl I was friends with a few years ago " I say and stiles just nods and puts his head on my chest . Suddenly we heard the front door open and the sound of boots hitting the stairs. I knew it was the sheriff so I started to panic but stiles just pulled me back down and started to cuddle me again .

" stiles your dads home " I say rushed and I try to get up again to get changed but he just pulls me down again.

" so?" He asked like it was obvious

" I'm going to go but I'll come back later when your dad leaves because I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to walk in on his son naked in bed with someone else" I say

" okay see ya later" he says and i put on my clothes and jump out of the window- I hear his bedroom door open and sheriff greeting his son as I run off into the woods.

( a few hours later )
Stiles POV

I walk to gym - aka our old spare room which I put all my weights and gym stuff in - and pull off my shirt. I usually work out for a while so I just started on my usual , barbells and put a load of weights in each side. Then I lie down on the seat and pull it to my chest then back up and repeat that . I do that for about ten minutes and I was starting to build a sweat so I put it on it's hook, stood up and walked to my next - rowing.
I sit down in the seat and start pulling the handles until I can't no more which is about another ten minutes and by now I'm sweating like a pig. My jeans are low on my waist and my chest is dripping with sweat. I walk to my pull ups bar and jump a little so I have a hold on the handles and start going up and down . I do one hundred pull ups the drop straight to the floor and do one handed push-ups which are too easy so after I have done one hundred and fifty I start to clap in between each one. After I have done another one hundred I stand up and turn around only to be met with them gorgeous green eyes again. His eyes starts sweeping down my sweaty chest and jeans which are barely on my waist any more. I turn around to walk to my water bottle and tense my back muscles because I know he's looking at my back.

" that was so fucking hot " he says
" how long were you just stood there watching me for ?" I asked then grab my towel and rub the sweat of my body.

" since the pull-ups and nice work on them and the one handed push-ups" he says while smirking at me and I just smirk at him.

" so what you wanna do?" I asked ....

Hey guys I hope you liked that - I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I've just been really busy. I promise I'll try to start updating more

Word count 1237

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