Chapter 6

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Stiles PoV

I look around me to all the familiar faces and smirk , per usual. The smell that I had enjoyed earlier was here again and it was so strong it was almost pungent. I drew my attention back to the pack , ignoring the smell as best possible, and they all just stare at me and dereks the first to speak.
" stiles what are you doing back and what's happened to you" he asks motioning the my body.
" I went to London, learnt how to professionally fight and got tatted up, you like?" I ask sarcastically.
" why can't I smell you?"Scott asks.
" oh sorry forgot about that, give me a second" I say making them able to smell me again.
I swear I heard Derek literally moan.
" how did you do that?" Derek asks
" oh sweetie that's because I'm not human" I say bearing my fangs at him and showing him my purple eyes.

They all stand there again gobsmacked.
" how?" Derek says quietly
" it doesn't matter , well atleast not to you" I say.
" what?" Scott asks
" after you all kicked me out the pack I was furious and as I left I swore I would KILL YOU ALL. You all ruined me life so I'm going to ruin yours" I say while I walk away.

Dereks PoV

Stiles looked fuxking GOOD in a tight muscle shirt and leather. It was a massive turn-on. Up until the point where he implied he wanted to kill us and he wasn't human then showed us his teeth and purple eyes. Then my jaw hit the ground.

I turned to run for stiles after being able to make a coherent thought. I ran out of the schools double doors, the same way stiles had left , and searched the streets but stiles was nowhere to be seen. I double checked the perimeter of the school very quickly and stiles had vanished. I couldn't smell him again so I couldn't track him. I turned on my heels and ran to the forests.

Once I arrived I let loose. I have always enjoyed the woods and once I asked my mother about it. She said it had something to do with werewolves and becoming one with nature and what not.

I stripped of my clothes and threw them into a pile on the floor. I then fully shifted into the big, black wolf that reminded me so much of my mothers true wolf. I came to the conclusion that if stiles didn't want to be found he wouldn't be.
After a couple of hours of running around in the woods I was sitting on the floor when I saw something behind a tree , the only thing I could see was what looked to be the shape of an animal but I couldn't smell or hear anything so I wasn't sure. I just barked and the shape was gone with no sound.I decided it was time to head back.

After arriving back at the loft (after shifting back and putting clothes on) I walked through the door with my frequent scowl on my face. The entire pack was sat in the living room area ( well it's sort of a living room) chatting only to be silenced when they noticed me standing there looking pissed off .

" hey Derek , you alright ? " Scott asks

" yes I'm fine" I say , turning around and walking towards the spiral staircase to my room.i just couldn't shake the feeling of uneasiness after the event in the woods earlier on.

Stiles' POV

I needed to let off some steam. After seeing everyone back there,especially Derek, I didn't know what to do. I haves been thinking for months that I just wanted to kill them but after seeing all their faces just filled with concern and worry I really didn't know anymore. I walked towards the woods getting ready for the self training session I was about to have

As I arrived at the woods I stripped of my clothing and decided I was going to turn into a leopard ( yes I can turn into whatever animal I want).

I started to wander around the woods, getting used to my new form when I smelled that nice smell again. I followed the smell making no noise at all with my own smell still masked. The smell led me to a clearing where I saw a black wolf about the same size as me rolling around on the floor. The smell was coming from the wolf and realisation hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. The black wolf was Derek, I had only ever seen Derek in his full wolf form once back in Mexico ( a/n he never left in this ) and I smiled at the fond memory . I then was snapped back into reality as I heard the wolf bark and in fear of being found I took off out of the woods still not making a sound.

I returned home after putting my clothes back on and went to get something to eat . I was always hungry after shifting fully into an animal and I had no clue why but I didn't really care to be honest. I grabbed an apple off the counter and headed in the direction of my room.

Once I sat on my bed I decided my room needed reorganising so I took all the old posters off the walls , folded them up and put them in a draw. After that I moved my bed to the other side of the room so it was pressed Against the opposite wall and put my desk where my bed used to be. I took all the old police cases that were taped to my big, plastic detective board and threw them in the bin then moved the board against the wall.

After accomplishing and feeling satisfied with the new look of my bedroom I lied down on the bed with my hands interlocked behind my head and looked up at the ceiling. My eyes started to feel heavy so I just closed them and drifted off into a peaceful sleep thinking about nothing yet everything.

There ya go , hope ur happy and I know I'm a shit writer so please excuse that and I'm hoping to get a little stereo action in soon but Idk yet , luv ya bye

1065 words

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