holy shit!

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for people who still have this in their library or something:

whats up all you weird cube loving people! I recently came back onto this account because people have been commenting on some of my old stories and i always reply to everyone... or at least i try to anyways. But (yes i know you shouldnt start a sentence with but, just like you shouldnt start sex with anal it doesnt make sense.... thank bloopy-moons for that analogy)
I saw that this crap of a story reached 40k reads, how the hell that happened i have no fricken idea, so id like to thank everyone who gave this story a shot and commented that voted and shit! it means a lot even though i dont write stories to be posted all that much anymore, its nice to know that that many people have looked at this story. honestly idk why i decided to write this no ones gonna read it, i just want to make fun of my old writing tbh. LIKE come on have you guys read this shit? its terrible!!!!! ive always been half tempted to go back and fix shit but that requires effort that I dont have..... so oh fuckin well this is the shit that youre gettin. BUT ( here we go again with starting a sentence with but again) hey are there any septiplier fans out there? cuz if there are you should head on over to my new and soon to be improved account ( never_ending_madness shameless self promo) and read my new septiplier story when i decide to write it! should be soon. also if any of you like werewolf stories you should go check out a group account im in cuz we have a story up on there thats pretty good ( unison_pack another shameless self promo, god i just dont give any fucks today) but yeah! thats all i really have to say.... hope to see you guys over there! love you all! bye!


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