chapter 25

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emily's P.O.V. ( Next day) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   I wake and do my normal routine. I go upstairs to get something to eat and to get Cody up and ready to go. I was scrolling through twitter when I got a text from Jack. Oh god this cant be good.

J Emily we have a problem

E What?

J Nikki did something

E Oh god what did she do?

J I don't know but she is in jail

E Oh my god what are we going to do

J we need to bail her out

E Ok how much

J $ 1500

E kk see you there

After we finished our conversation I grabbed my wallet and phone and ran out the door.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip cause I can ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once I got there I ran I side and found jack talking to a police officer so I walk up to them. " How much to bail her out? " jack asked. " $ 3000 " the officer replied. "Oh god what did she do? " I asked. " Why don't you let her tell you that. " HE said and I handed him my credit card to take the money off of it. About 5 minuets later she was released. " Thank you! You guys are the best. " Nikki said as she gave us a hug. " No problem. " Jack said. " You didn't do anything I was the one that paid the fine. " I said to him. " Yeah but I told you. " Jack replied. " Well thank you both. " Nikki said as we were walking down the sidewalk. " What did you do anyways? " I ask her. " I might have punched a police officer. " She said. " Oh my god you need help. " I said while laughing at her. Jack just shook his head. Oh god I already know this is going to be a long day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   Hope you all enjoyed this weirder chapter my friend gave me the idea. Chapter 26 will be out later today. Don't forget to leave a comment and vote and I will see you all in the next chapter BEYYYY!!!!!!!! 


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