chapter 1

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•-=Elizabeth's POV =-•

Today was just a ordinary day i got up and got ready for school, made sure my video was ready to post in a few hours, and took my little brother to school and head on my way to school. Hi i'm Elizabeth Stone I am 19, I am currently attending the university of Chicago and my major is graphic design. I have a YouTube channel which is called GamerWolf ( I don't know if anyone actually has a YouTube channel called this but this would be mine if i had one. OK back to the story!) and i have about 2million subs. I have long black hair with red tips. I either wear my purple contacts or nerdy black glasses. As i walked into my class my best friend Nikkie yelled my name.

" Hey Emily wait up!" All my friends call me Emily or em. I really don't know why but they do.

" Hey Nik." I said while stopping to wait for her. We both are in the same major because we love video games and want to be video game designers, we are on them when ever we get a chance that's why i do mine craft videos.

" So what do you think today will consist of? " Nik asks as we walk into class.

" I don't know probably something we already know. " I reply. We basically know everything that we learn in here. We said good bye to each other and went on our way. We can't sit next to each other because we talk a lot and when I say a lot I mean A LOT. I take my seat towards the back and get my stuff out, and wait for class to begin.

•-=Middle of class=-•

" Ok class we are going to do a group project. There will be 4 people in a group and I will be assigning them. " Our teacher Mr.Rupperet said. We all grouned we hate it when he does this. You either get put in a group with annoying people, stuck up people, or people you hate and if your lucky you get all three. He started listing groups and who will be with who. Oh great who will I be with.

" Elizabeth, Nikkie, Liam, and Dean will be our last group." Mr.Rupperet exclaimed. Great two people I don't even know at least I'm with Nikkie. " You will have 4 weeks to do a animation of any game. It must be 15 minuets long and the rest is up to you. You have the rest of class to get into your groups and discus. " I look over at Nikki and mouthed.

" oh great two people we don't even know. " Nikki just laughed and came over to me. Now all we have to do is fine Liam and dean this should be fun!

•-= Authors note =-•

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! I will post the second and third maybe later on tonight but definitely tomorrow if not tonight. thanks for reading leave a comment and see you all later.


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