chapter 22

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H's P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   Emily just left so i went and logged onto TS, and went to play some MCSG before work. " Hey H! " I heard Bayani say while killed someone. " Hey Bayanidood! " I reply. " So Graser said that you have a friend that is a girl, that is popular on YouTube? " He questioned me. " Yes." I replied as i won the game and got back in the lobby. '' Whats her YouTube name IRL and can I meet her? " he questioned. " Ummmm........ Emily, GamerWolf, and maybe. " " OH MY GOD! How did you meet her? Doesn't she only record with Team Craft, some of the people from Mine crack and captinsparkelz group? " He asked in amazement. " School project were in the same group and yeah pretty much. " I reply i don't really think I should tell him I'm dating her. " OMG I have to meet her! Is she really like she is in her videos? " He asks again. God he asks alot of questions. " Um yeah I guess but she can be shy and doesn't really like to be with large groups of people. " I say and look at the time 11:15. I guess I could talk to him for a little while longer. " when is the next time you see or talk to her? " He asks  " Um I'll talk to her later today we are going to record. " I reply. " Can I meet her then? " He asks again. " I don't know why does everyone want to meet her? she is just a normal person like us!? " I question him because it is getting annoying with asking if i can introduce them to her. " Because she is one of the coolest gamers and YouTubers out there! " He exclaimed. " Fine you can meet her late. " I state. " YES! Thanks dude! " He yelled. " No problem. I have to do Mr.Bayanidood. "  I say. " Ok bey H. " " Bey dude. " I say then log out of TS. I go  get ready for work and once i ready I leave for a exciting day of work..... Not really.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Hope you all enjoyed chapter 22! 23 and 24 will be out tomorrow I sorta got messed up with what chapters I put out when and the lining of the chapters got messed up to so..... yeah. Any ways don't forget to leave a comment and vote and I will see you guys in the next chapter BEYYY!!!!!!!!


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