Chapter 3 | Day 2 & 3 | To What Do I Owe This Pleasure?

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Song of the Chapter: Weight Of Living Part II by Bastille


"Why? What is there to talk about?" I ask, stalling.

"Everything. What'd she mean when she said that I'd leave?"

"It was nothing. She just interpreted Pride and Prejudice wrong and thought that Darcy would leave Elizabeth. That's what she meant when she said you'd leave. She was comparing you to Darcy. Incorrectly. That's all there was to it. Stop trying to dig deeper."

"I heard what you two were reading. You're not even at that part yet. Stop lying to me."

"Why are you so curious? This doesn't even concern you."

"Yes, it does. Vakeny has it in her head that I'm going to leave and-"

"And what? You're going to stay? I see what you do, Adrenor. You're a player who screws girls for fun and when you get bored of them, you toss them to the curb. Like trash. You don't stay and Vakeny is right. Don't try to convince me otherwise," I say heatedly.


The door opens and Adrenor is cut off as my mom walks into the room.

"Adrenor!" She exclaims. "What a surprise!"

"I was just stopping by to say hi," he says, averting my eyes.

"Well, stay for dinner. We'll invite Krycyand over and have a little party," she says warmly.

"As much as I'd like to, I can't."

"Why?" She asks, pressing the issue.

"Um, I don't know."

"Then you can come. Unless you don't want to?"

"No! Of course I'll come."

"Great! Meet here at seven."


A little dejected that he couldn't avoid me and the awkwardness, he leaves.

"Mom!" I exclaim.


"Why'd you invite him? You saw that girl on his arm and if you think that bringing him to dinner will change his player ways and settle down, you're terribly mistaken. You need to get it in your head that everyone leaves."


"Don't mention him. He doesn't deserve to be talked about in here. We don't need the air tainted with it," I spit before storming out.

And that's how I spend my afternoon.


When seven o'clock rolls around, I'm calm enough to help with dinner. We're having chicken parmesan because it's the only thing my mom can cook without burning and garlic bread, which Vakeny and Lxansyer make. For dessert, we have grasshopper pie, which I made. Krycyand and Adrenor show up at the same time, Adrenor carrying a bottle of sparkling apple cider. I take it from him with a mumble of thanks, keeping my gaze from his face, and bring it to the kitchen to keep it cool.

When they step into the dining room, there are six settings and Adrenor just so happens to pick the seat next to me. How lucky am I? Vakeny is on my right, with Lxansyer between mom and Krycyand, who's next to Adrenor.

"This is really good, Ms. Crenlantyon," Adrenor compliments after scooping a large mouthful.

"Thank you. And please, it's just Draylyn," she says, blushing.

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