Chapter 23 | My Life's Turned Into A Soap Opera

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Song of the Chapter: Yellow by Coldplay


"Mom! I'm home!" I announce, dropping my keys on the hook and removing my shoes, kicking them under the rack.

No answer.


I check her room. Empty. Then I check her studio, which is really the playroom with a curtain masquerading as a door and see the 'door' closed, which means she's busy and doesn't need to be bothered.

I head to the living room, where Lxansyer and Vakeny are lounging on the couch.

"Saturday morning tv?" I ask as I see 'Minions' on the tv. "Don't mind if I do."

I plop down on top of them making them squeal and push me off the couch and onto the floor.

"You made me miss it!" Lxansyer complains.

"You've seen the movie ten times!" I scoff, poking his stomach, making him laugh.

Vakeny tries to leave, but I grab her and start tickling her too.

"Zyliena! Stop!" They exclaim as they escape and start running around the apartment.

The front door opens and Ellibras walks in and Lxansyer and Vakeny hide behind his long legs.

"Hey, where've you been?" I ask casually, pushing my hair out of my face.

"Grabbed some breakfast with a friend," he says, holding up a bag of leftovers.

"Ohhh, yummy!" I smile, looking inside the bag.

"Why are they behind me? And why are you dressed like that?" He asks, referring to the twins and my running clothes.

"I went to the gym. Was chasing those two until you came in," I say, sending the twins a look, who snicker in response.

"Well, go, you stink," he teases, waving a hand around and taking back the bag.

"Loser," I smile, walking to the restroom.

And that's how I spend my morning.


"Adrenor found me today," I say while we're eating lunch.

"What? How dare he approach you! How dare he even breathe the same air as you!" Ellibras, who knows everything, shouts, infuriated.

"Who's Adrenor?" Vakeny asks, looking up from her spaghetti. They were too young to remember him. Which in glad of. They got attached and were devastated when he left but eventually forgot about him by the end of summer.

"No one. Ellibras is just overreacting. As usual. So how'd you two's last day of school go?"

"We had a huge party!"

"Yeah! And we got Cheetos! Hah! In your face!" Lxansyer boasts and I smile.

Later, after lunch while the twins are busy playing on my laptop, Ellibras takes me to the local coffee shop to explain.

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