Chapter 11 | Day 12 | You're Too Clumsy For Your Own Good

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Song of the Chapter: Tear in my Heart by Twenty One Pilots


I wake up the next morning with a headache. It's not so much that I have to take a pill, but it hurts to think. Pressing my fingers to my head, I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to alleviate the pain. When it passes, I stumble out of the room, just barely missing the sprawled out Treynakly. Filling a glass with water, I sit on the couch Adrenor isn't on and stare out the floor length window. It would be amazing if there was a balcony, but the view is still awesome. I can see all the buildings and apartments, and right in the center of it is a park, with trees boasting bright green leaves. The sun has barely come up, as it is six thirty, sending brilliant orange and pink streaks across the sky, illuminating the darkness.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?"

I jump and look to the voice. Adrenor is sitting up, staring out the window.

"Yeah," I reply, turning back to the view.

"I was talking about me."

Rolling my eyes, I sip my water and lean back I the chair.

"Let's do something today," he says.


"Because. I need to make it up to you. I found out what I said. I'm so sorry. I'm not very nice when...that happens. You have to know I didn't mean that," Adrenor begs, kneeling in front of me on the carpet.

Looking down at him, I see the sincerity in his eyes. Sighing, I feel myself forgive him.

"Fine, but it better be good!" I add.

He beams, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I smile and let him pull me in a hug, spinning me around.

"Okay, calm down. When do you want to leave?" I ask when he puts me down.


"Now? It's six thirty!"

"So what?"

"Fine, but let me just write a note."

I grab a pen and hop on a bar stool at the mini bar while Adrenor tells me what to write.

"Dear family and friends, this is Baby Doll. I have gone to spend an amazing day with the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on. He is gorgeous, funny, and I can't imagine life without him. He's my Prince Charming," he says dramatically with his hand on his chest as if he's reciting a script.

Rolling my eyes, I read the note aloud to him.

"Guys, I've gone out with the worst, cockiest person on the planet. If I'm not back by six, call the cops."

He feigns hurt and I smile cheekily.

"Fine! Be that way! See how your day goes!"

"If this day goes terribly, I might not forgive you," I tease.

He widens his eyes and backtracks.

"Just kidding, write whatever you want."

"I'm only joking, Adrenor. It only says I'll be out doing who knows what with you."

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