Chapter 28

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  • Dedicated to All the fans and readers!! Thanks

Worst part about having an adorable niece and nephew, Babysitting!

Yup my brother just dumped his kids on me so I had my hands full while he was with his wifey.

Yeah it's not an excuse I know but the kids are like the devil without Spongebob!!


Chapter 27

~It's been a month since I sent Richard the letter telling him about Lily. He wrote a brief letter saying he needed to stay with his family, his real family. Apparently Annabelle is pregnant too, it's a boy.

I don't want my Lily to grow up without a father. Daddy stopped sending money a few weeks ago but luckily I had money saved up.

My faith in Richard is not completely gone. He sent me a couple bottles of vitamins today. Maybe things will be alright after all.~

Shutting the diary I laid it down on my bed. How could dad do that? How could he abandon my mom when she needed him the most?

After Jake and Ethan left I went up to my room to read the rest of the diary entries, from the beginning.

From when my parents fell in love after my dad broke up with a clingy ex who I presume was Annabelle. Everything was okay even after Melissa was born. My dad balanced everything out.

It's when my mom got pregnant that he completely disappeared without a word except for that short letter and vitamins.

Vitamins?! Pills! Could they be linked together? But that would mean my dad is responsible for my mom's breakdown. He wouldn't do that, would he?

No, he loved her she wrote it down before the pills. I saw the photo and the love letter he wrote her that was with the photo. He loved her than why did he disappear during her pregnancy?

Laying my head back against the headboard I tried figuring things out. Maybe two families became too much for him.

Standing up I shook my head. Dad wouldn't do that. I'm missing something here but I don't know what it is.

Shoving the diaries under my bed I decided to take a break. I went downstairs to the living room. Annabelle was sitting in front of the tv with it on much louder than needed.

She was staring at the screen a dazed look on her face. Her face was blank as her eyes were wide and looking at nothing at all.

"Annabelle?" I called out

With a quick shake of her head she forced another tight smile.

"Are you feeling okay, maybe you need an aspirin? I'll get you one." she stood up ready to race upstairs

"No, I'm fine." I said a little too loud

Her mucky eyes narrowed briefly as she sat back down. I took the seat beside her. Annabelle seemed a little out of it. Like her mind was occupied.

She cleared her throat and turned slightly to me.

"Richard said you found something in our room. A box?"

A warning flag went up in my head. Shifting nervously I racked my mind for a cover up. Everyone is still a suspect until they're cleared.

"Yea Aidan was hiding and he found it. I walked in and saw him sprawled on the floor." I lied

Annabelle drummed her fingers against her knee the tight smile still on her face. Her eyes were slits as she searched my face for any sign of a lie.

The kitchen door swung open startling me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

Melissa shrugged with a mouth full of chips. With a large bag in her hand she plopped down on the armchair.

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