Bullied Request

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Imagine for lolaalocaakidd. Hope you like it.

Walking into the lunchroom, I headed to my table. My friends were snickering and looking at me. When I was about to take a seat one of them blocked me. Confused, I tried to sit on the other side but again I was blocked.

"Um guys what's up with you?" I questioned

"We can't sit with your kind." One spoke.

What were they talking about? I have been friends with them since the sixth grade.

"MacKenzie said your not one of us anymore." Taylor spoke.

MacKenzie giggled and glared at me. She'd been trying to turn everyone against me and she'd never successfully done it till today.

"Yeah, you are just gross and such a freak. Your little comments in class are strange. Oh and I am queen bee, so bye." MacKenzie snarled.

I didn't have the guts to speak back to 'queen bee'. I turned on my heels so fast that I fell to the ground and my ankle shot a hot white pain through my body. Everyone laughed at me and I picked myself up. I walked out of the lunch room and found the outside class room. I sat on a bench. After a few minutes tears had fallen out of my brown eyes and my brown hair was frizzy.

The doors opened, I heard footsteps and assumed it was a teacher.

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be out here. I'll report to iss." As I looked up, I saw it was him.

My crush that I have known since last year. He's adorable, funny and super cute with his short brown hair and eyes. He looked at me sympathetic. He began walking closer.

"I saw what they did. I didn't laugh. Don't go to iss. I'm so sorry. I hope you know she's just jealous." He said softly.

"Of what? Apparently I'm a freak." I responded

"You are beautiful, skinny, funny, adorable and amazing. She's jealous. I know it. Trust me." He speaks slowly looking in my eyes.

I blush bright red and tilt my head down in embarrassment. He likes me. He likes me! I feel his arms wrap around me and I smile.

"I'll be here to help you. In fact, would you be my girl?" He questions

Smiling, I hug him back.

"Of course I will."

We walk back into the school just like that, hand in hand and heart in heart. I've never been so happy.


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