Chapter 20

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!5 Months Later! !(5 Months Pregnant)!

The past five months have been good. I have stopped throwing up every 10 minutes, and Tim and I finally got our house. Then today is my doctor's appointment for finding out the gender! I am so happy! F/n is going with me because I want Tim to be surprised.


ITS A GIRL! F/n and I have always dreamed of having daughters and being the weirdest aunt's to them ever! We both screamed, I think the nurse was scared a little bit. After we got out, we called Alesa and Jess to tell them the news. They screamed also. We started planning for how to tell Tim. Alesa was going to tell everyone, Jess was going to go get 30 cans of pink and purple Silly String, and F/n was getting 100 pink balloons. I was going to stay home and tell Tim I want tacos and he needs to get me some.

"Tim, can you go get me some Taco Bell?" I asked sweetly. "Sure, usual?" He replied, I nodded. He walked out and everyone was already on their way. People got here and set up. There was to much pink, not enough purple. There were 100 balloons everywhere in the house. Jess, Alesa, and F/n were handing out bottles of Silly String before Tim walked in. But when he did, he had a surprised look on his face, "What is all of this?" He asked. We started in on the string, "What color is it?" I replied looking at him dead in the eyes. "Pink an- OH MY GOD!" He picked me up in a hug and spun me. "Its a girl!" I laughed. He put me down and kissed me. Adam gagged and Alesa elbowed him in the stomach.

(Author's Note: ITS A GIRL! Yay! I love where this book is going, but like all things, there has to be an end. No, this is not that last chapter, but I am thinking about making it to chapter 25 or 30. But that is many chapters away. Thanks for all the support! I will see you in the next chapter!


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