Chapter 22

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!Time Skip 2 Months! !(8 Months Pregnant)!

!-Flashback last night-!

"Can't believe I just noticed, but you do look like a bowling ball." Tim said. Pregnancy hormones were my anger issues act up in all different ways, "What's that supposed to mean?" I glared. "Babe, you can't even see your toes. But don't worry, that just means that the baby is healthy." He defended. I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs.

He learned last week that this was just a thing I am going to go through, he never asked if I was mad. "Sorry." I whispered in the kitchen when he got there. "Its fine, lets go to bed."

!-End Of Flashback-!

I walked into work happily that day. No explained reason, I was just happy. Only a few weeks until I have my daughter. Everything is set up in the house. But we still need names. I called Emily over to me today to ask for help. "Em, I need help with idea's." I said looking up at her. "Okay. Lets go to my office!" She replied. We sat in her office, I told her I needed help with names and an idea on how to do it, "I want a special way to do it because I know that we are going to fight over the name." Em smiled. "Get names, put them in a jar, have him pick one. Put in the names you want, and include middle names with it on the same paper." I hugged her and walked back to my station.

(Lets go home, I'm sleepy)

I got home and put the names in a jar, then walked to Tim's office. "Pick one." I smiled holding out the jar. He looked at me confused, but did it anyways. "Monica Rose?" He questioned. "Do you like the name?" I asked. "It's beautiful." He replied. "Then thats what we are naming our daughter. Monica Rose." He smiled and hugged me.

I ordered Pizza for dinner and we watched a few movies before I fell asleep.

(Author's Note: The name was generated, I had 12 different names to choose from! The baby is almost here! Thanks for all the support! Ask me questions for a Q&A, I really want to do one! See you in the next chapter.


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