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My thoughts are probably the most dangerous thing there is to me. Yes, they're usually just happy, and imaginative, but it's when the lights go out that my mind finds a place in the dark. Night is when the insecurities wrap themselves around my brain and take over any sense I once had. My thoughts wander to wondering why people are friends with me and why I even have people that like me for me. My mind comes up with all these self deprecating things, and I try to stop it, but my mind is powerful. It knows its place, and it knows how easily it can destroy me.

I always tell people my favorite lyrics are "sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind," and they think I like them because they're deep. They have no idea that I love the lyrics so much because they remind me that I've got to shut down all those self depreciating thoughts. All the insecurities and self hate needs to die. I could try and try again to make them go away, but I seem to let them stay. Maybe it's because I believe the words, or it's because the words are actually true.

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