Dear irl Friends

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Dear my irl friends,

You guys keep telling me that he likes me back and he's going to ask me out, but I can't bring myself to believe you. Yes, I like him a lot and it'd be amazing if he liked me back, but I can't help but think y'all are lying to me. I know you probably want to make me feel better, but I just don't believe any of it. How could he-an amazing person who is like a freaking angel-like me? Have you guys met me? I'm an ugly, fat, lame, socially awkward, Internet obsessed weirdo that people always tend to forget about. I literally find joy in laughing at my own puns. Who would like someone like that? I honestly don't even know why I have friends. You can lie to me all you want and say I'm not any of those things and I'm like the most amazing thing to happen to our town but I won't believe you. He wouldn't like that kind of stuff. Seriously? How could he like me. I'm me. Just know, that until I hear it from him, I'm not going to believe any of you. Because until I hear it genuinely from someone's mouth, I will never believe anyone likes me.

The Girl You Probably Don't Even Want to Be Friends With

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