why am I doing this? I really don't know.

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I was looking for inspiration on YouTube while procrastinating my summer reading assignment as one does and I came across a video on Colleen Ballinger's channel titled "I Shouldn't Admit This"" I think? idk I already forgot the title.  anyways, she basically just admitted stuff that most people don't know about her or don't assume about her. I liked it so I was like "hmm I need an upload I'll do that" so all credit to her for the idea for this chapter (? idk what to even call this because it sure as heck isn't a book so I don't think they're chapters but I'm just going off on a squirrel moment so let me get back on track here)

here are things I probably shouldn't admit, but I'm going to anyways. enjoy my shame/embarrassment.

• I hate most of the twenty one pilots fanbase even though I really love the band itself.

• alcohol grosses me out and I don't plan on drinking it hardly ever 

• I am a gigantic English nerd and I like reading traditional English texts because I like the way it sounds

• I don't like pizza. at all.

• I'm actually a very involved athlete. I don't just spend all day surfing the interwebs.

• I don't like a lot of dan and phil's fan base.

• I watch mainly Disney Channel and Food Network along with Grey's Anatomy 

• I talk to myself. not in the cutesy way. I literally have conversations about different things that last a long time with myself.

• I hate coffee.

• I do this weird thing where my mind won't let me leave my house if my battery isn't over 80%.

• I hate the term "fake fan"

• I know every word to almost every Disney song and I'm proud of it.

• I sing more than humanly possible. I'm not the best at it but I will literally sing anywhere as long as I'm alone.

• I'm very theatrical when it comes to anything really.

• I talk with my hands so much it's become an actual problem.

• my brain tries to make up things and make me think that I'm seeing things like shadows or figures moving and then there's nothing there. I'm not crazy I swear.

• I live every day with an inner monologue like I'm in a book. it's weird but it helps me know what's my imagination and what's reality.

• I can only tire myself to go to sleep by making up stories and scenarios in my head and writing them down.

• I don't sleep enough. I probably sleep an average of 3-6 hours a night. and I wake up 4-7 times a night.

Thoughts and Other ThingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz