it's funny, isn't it?

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funny how just as life seems to go how I'd like it to, it messes up again. I guess Lin Manuel Miranda said it best in "Hurricane" from Hamilton: "in the eye of a hurricane there is quiet, for just a moment." life is just a constant whirlwind of stress and sadness and mistakes, then every once in a while, there's a short period of time where I am calm, I am happy, I am content. all too soon, of course, life swoops right back in, robbing me of my content. nothing is certain, and nothing stays the same. that's part of life of course, but for me, it's like nothing is certain for even the slightest of moments. happiness. peace. contentment. nothing. every time I get to a good place, life let's me think I'll stay there, then it rips me out of it. 

you know, when they told us growing up was hard, they didn't warn us about things like this. funny, isn't it?

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