diss track

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soz this is literally to the tune of Dan Howell's diss track, except it's about me so (mario voice) LET'S A GO

[just a warning it's pretty crap]

a day without uploading she comes back with a tag
that no one even tagged her in she's just some garbage bag
so prepare for an attack, and by that I mean cringe,
cause this weird girl's about to get dragged by her fringe(what fringe ew)

first things first, you're freakishly tall, it's weird you look like a tree
your hair is like Einstein's with all of its frizz, and it's never really straight as far as I can see. throw in an annoying singing voice and yep! that's Madison! you're what would happen if a giraffe mated with a trashcan.

you procrastinate all your homework cause "algebra 1 is scary" and you're so close to failing, A's are imaginary. and the only reason you have friends is you're on sports team with all the popular girls and people think you're "important"

reason's why Madison's pointless! (yay)
I'll give you some

you never sleep
you overeat
all you do is cry and read
your jokes are just puns and memes with no originality
your family's sad you got that stupid C in history
and any ugly picture taken of you you just delete

you hated beef for like 8 months, then what, you missed the meat?
wow I'm so impressed by your clear ongoing honesty
you try so hard to fit in and increase your popularity
but you can't say a sentence without talking about your obsessions scarily

I could go on,
there's more I could say
there's more things on this list,
than freckles on your face

on your birthday you joked you were ready to vote next election
you're so mature yeah?
when you still wear Christmas pajamas to bed

so your favorite show was CSI but now it's Grey's Anatomy
what the heck do you even watch real TV
it's hard to befriend you when all your fandoms are crappy
I'm starting to think they're just to hide you're secretly a preppy

I'm joking.

okay that went deep
repress it?
before I start crying let's wrap this stuff up

I'm gonna go and write fanfic and cry in a cup of tea
shout out to my dad aka the guy that lives with Philly

a cringey piece of crap
mixed with something close to a rap
met with not even one person to clap
it's madison's diss track!

click "add to library" if you wanna see a new stupid upload a day
but if you're still cringing just go ahead and click away
so leave a comment with your reaction
I sound like I'm eleven
but you just witnessed the roast of madison1007

so yeah that's probably the worst thing I've ever written. but hey I really tried. (that's the sad thing; I tried really hard and it still sucks rip)

well I hope you enjoyed cringing your face off! see ya next time with something much more interesting and with somewhat more quality.

Off Adventuring,

cringe level: 420/10

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