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this is just something I wrote. it kinda explains how I feel when hanging out with a group of friends.

she sat there, laughing and watching as her friends joked and talked. she tried her best to make herself a place in the conversations, but she always seemed to just fade out without notice. she always felt as if things wouldn't change if she wasn't there. like if she left and went home by herself no one would care. as if all her friends seemed to have a person closer to them than she was. like she was the tag-a-long who was only there because they liked some of her jokes or she was convenient. it wouldn't surprise her if that was true. it's not like she was funny or interesting or witty. she was just kind of there. she thought that every friend of hers would just kind of shrug their shoulders if she left. like they had someone so much better to hang out with anyways. and none of them ever proved her wrong.

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