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24. Santa,
I don't really know why I'm writing this because quite frankly, I don't believe in you. I'm going to write it anyways though for the sake of the Internet. this year I want some unique things for Christmas. different than I usually ask for definitely. I want a ukulele, a Taylor Swift calendar, twenty øne piløts merch, and some crazy socks. also, I wouldn't mind if you'd slip a few bucks in my stocking because I'm broke as all get out. I'll be sure to leave you some homemade cookies(and by homemade I mean Toll House pull'n'bake cookies because I'm stinking lazy). along with your cookies I'll leave you some milk (even though it makes me wanna scream because the milk fic) because the cookies I'm giving you are bomb with milk. also I might leave you a little rum because I think we all know you're gonna want to forget about tonight. Thanks for nothing because you're not real. :)

(wow I sound really mean. I'm sorry. I promise I'm not actually that mean I was just being sarcastic with Santa because he's not real)

((also happy first day of Hanukkah to those who celebrate it!))


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