Movie Review with Madison. Episode 1: The Giver

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movie: The Giver

star rating out of 5:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 (for those without emojis: 4 1/2)

review summary:
I read The Giver (by Lois Lowery) and I really enjoyed it, so I really hoped going into this movie that it would be good. As any reader does, I wanted the movie to be very similar to the book because the book was very well-written and the plot is simply amazing in my opinion.

The movie stayed interesting most of the time. There were very few parts that I thought could've been left out but overall I think the filmmakers did a great job on their scene choices. The movie stuck pretty well to the plot of the book. They took out a few things, added a few things, and changed a few things, but that's natural when making a book-based film. It's perfectly natural to change some things to make an hour and a half of screen time interesting. I could tell exactly what part of the book they were getting at all throughout the movie and the scenes were played out very nicely.

The cast was perfect for this film. Each actor/actress fit very well with their character. They all had the correct emotion and persona for their character. Their acting skills were very impressive.

Overall, I think this film was really good and very enjoyable. For a film based on a book, it's actually very near to the book and keeps you hooked to the story the entire time. The cast was very impressive with their work and the filmmakers themselves deserve a lot of credit.

(also, a plus side to the movie is that Taylor Swift is in it and I think we all know how much I like Taylor Swift. I mean, I'm literally listening to her while writing this. The song is All Too Well in case you were wondering.)

would you watch it again?
Yes. Definitely.

would you recommend watching it?
Of course. It's actually on Netflix for those who have a subscription. If you don't, you could probably find it on a different movie streaming cite or even on DVD. I also recommend reading the book as well.

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