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yo it's Madison again and I'm just gonna tell you what good and bad things are going on in my life right now because I feel like it.

things I don't like in life rn:
-BASKETBALL IS FREAKING STRESSFUL I work my butt off and somehow I'm still not good enough. not to mention half my team has their hands by their waist in defense EVEN THOUGH I YELL FROM THE BENCH TELLING THEM "HANDS UP"

-math. freaking algebra 1 as an eighth grader. NEWSFLASH! it's not fun! my class is expected to be able to do all this crap fast, not to mention my teacher wants us to be able to do mental math for big problems but he doesn't understand that my entire grade was never taught good mental math skills.

-two words: English class. my teacher is probably one of the closest things to Satan on earth. she thinks that "advanced" means "students can learn fast and gather information fast therefore I can change subjects everyday and they'll be fine." ADVANCED DOES NOT MEAN THAT ADVANCED MEANS WE ARE ABLE TO GRASP INFORMATION EASILY AND KEEP IT AND BUILD UP ON IT USING OUR BRAIN POWER IT DOES NOT MEAN WE CAN GO SUPER FAST AND STILL MAKE ALL A's! then she said, and I quote, "if you can't keep up with this class, we will move on and leave you behind. and if you fail, that's on you because you weren't fast enough for advanced classes" also, she's making half of our final grade for this quarter some stupid cards that we don't even know how to do.

-people are constantly treating me like I'm a weirdo. I get mocked for things I say. I get told that I'm too weird and I'm annoying and too loud. and I'm walked all over every day. I get told how my obsessions are stupid and the way I get obsessed is weird. I was even told that I can't like the color black because it's "too depressing for my personality" WELL EXCUSE ME BUT HOW WOULD YOU KNOW YOU WERENT EVEN THERE FOR ME WHEN I ACTUALLY WAS DEPRESSED HECK I STILL AM BUT ALL YOU FREAKING DO IS CONTINUE TO POINT OUT THINGS THAT MAKE ME A FREAK LIKE I DONT ALREADY NOTICE THEM

things I'm loving in my life:
-Chinese class. I love Chinese class so much. my teacher is fun, the people in the class are fun, and even though learning an entirely different language is hard, it's still fun learning new words every day. the only thing is, my teacher's VISA expires this year so she'll have to go back to China. we won't get to have her in high school, but we'll still get a good teacher.

-my friends. they never fail to make my day better. and lately, I've had a lot of bad days. luckily, I've got amazing friends who never cease to try and make me smile.

-Church. Church has been a lot of fun lately. I've gotten very focused in on God here in the past few months and I'm trying to change for the better. I've listened more in church, I've continued to serve in the kids ministry(which just gets even more fun every week), I've prayed like a true Christian should, and I've picked up my Bible more than ever before. I kinda fell out of my relationship with God a bit, but I'm repairing it.

well that's about it for now, so until next time, enjoy life.

Off Adventuring,

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