Rants & Bants Episode 1: Phandom

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ok so this is about the phandom and phan-the ship name for dan and phil-so if you're not into that, you might wanna move on to the next chapter or whatever cause boi I'm phan as heck.

if you're like me and utter trash, step right into my home, the landfill, don't forget to wipe you shoes on the welcome mat I made out of squareflakes that I crafted after watching the Halloween baking video from this year.

ok this is like kinda a rant kinda just fangirling I don't really know so hang with me. I'm gonna section each rant/bant off so I can keep my ideas organized because I've got really bad distraction problems and it's really easy for me to completely swerve and change topics in the middle of a paragraph.

also disclaimer: if you are offended by any of my opinions, I apologize. you have to remember these are just simply my opinions, not facts, so it shouldn't matter to you what I think. I have no control over your life.

1. Phannies [rant]
ok, there is a difference between being a phan, and being a phannie. most phandom members already know about these, but I feel I still need to address it. okay, phannies tend to be the ones to always force phan and are all up in Dan and Phil's business. now, there's nothing wrong with shipping phan, I mean, I ship it myself(I'm a lowkey shipper who will post about it online but I'll never say anything to Dan and Phil about phan and I'll be okay if they're not together because I respect them), but there is something wrong with forcing it. you see, Dan and Phil are real people, who have real lives. and they could be together, or they couldn't. honestly to me it doesn't matter. I'll still love them just as much as I do now. but to phannies, there's only one way. they refuse to accept the fact that maybe Dan and Phil are just really really good best friends. they take the smallest things and try to call it a "phan moment" or they tweet Dan or Phil saying "PHAN IS SO REAL" or "OMG IS PHAN REAL??" like please stop. even if they were together they wouldn't tell us. Dan has even said in an interview that he thinks relationships shouldn't be put on YouTube and that it's something that deserves its privacy. and he's 100% correct. my biggest thing about phannies, and maybe even a lot of the phandom, is that if Dan and Phil weren't together and one of them had a significant other that the phandom would bash the girlfriend/boyfriend. that honestly scares me that that might just happen. so to all you phannies, I have a message: if you really care about Dan and Phil like you say you do, please stop forcing phan and if they ever are with someone else, please respect Dan, Phil, and that person.

2. Phil Lester [rant-ish]
Philip Micheal Lester is a beautiful human being who the world doesn't deserve. he's so creative, hilarious, incredibly kind, and one of the best people on the Internet. Phil deserves so much more than he gets. it honestly breaks my heart that he is always portrayed as lesser than Dan. Phil deserves 6 million subscribers just like Dan. it physically hurts me to see that he is so underrated. and the worst part? he doesn't even mind. he gets credit stolen from him all the time. he doesn't have as many subscribers. he doesn't get as many views. yet he still is so kind and supportive of everyone around him. I actually cried when he won creator of the year at the BONCAS because he freaking deserves it. because honestly, he is creator of the year. he is so creative, and his videos will instantly make you happy. his content is family friendly and it's always unique, not the same old challenges and tags like everyone else. heck, he even made his own tags. the happiness I felt when I found out he won was incredible because he is finally receiving the credit he deserves. and then he's so kind and humble that he won't even accept the award without bringing Dan up to the stage with him and saying he helped him all throughout this last year. also, I think Dan is right there with me on the fact that Phil deserves this because he looked so immensely proud and happy when Phil won. he even said "Phil Lester everyone!" to make sure everyone knew that Phil won this award on his own with his own creativity and personality. to sum it all up: Phil Lester is a perfect being that never gets enough credit and deserves the world and he finally got some.

3. Phan [bants]
can we talk about how phan isn't as much a fantasy anymore? like this era of Dan and Phil has probably by far the most domestic. they literally act like a married couple without being really discreet. they've both acted like the idea of phan is almost real. it's like they do things that are obviously jokes or just bait for the shippers but then there's things that I'm not so sure about. sometimes they make it seem like they're a whole lot more than platonic. I can't be the only one that notices right? someone else sees that they are acting very, I don't know how to describe it, almost like a more mature 2009? that kinda describes it. I don't know. maybe it's just me.

remember, as I said before, I'm totally okay if Dan and Phil are just platonic friends. I will still love them and call them my sons but also my dads. their relationship statuses will not taint my love for them. I just want them to be happy, that's it.

this has been episode 1 of Rants & Bants

Off Adventuring,

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