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I'm not normal to most. I would not consider myself sane. Growing up as a child was difficult for myself as I had no friends. I believed criminals did not deserve death. They needed someone to listen and understand them. This was due to me, myself being a misunderstood child.

My family moved to Gothem City. I was put into a private school where I met my good friend Harvey Dent. He was good friends with Bruce Wayne a man whose family pretty much owned the city with a thick wallet and never ending trust fund. When Bruce's parents where shot Bruce didn't come to school for days. Harvey and I would go with Rachel Dawes to Bruce's house and see him if my parents let me. Some days they wanted us to just leave Bruce to morn on his own. We couldn't just leave our friend alone. I told Bruce how I saw the criminals. I tried to explain the man was more than likely scarred for life and shot out of fear. Bruce didn't want to hear me then. He simply told me to take my sympathy for the man elsewhere. I was lost to the eyes of Bruce Wayne for years. I began to hate him. He threw around his money and got things that were not simply needed. I watched as he bought things for the girls in our school. He stopped caring. Harvey sat me down with a teacher at lunch one day. He grabbed my hand from across the table and smiled at me warmly and finally spoke,

"Raven we would like to offer you a scholarship to Gothem University. It will be a grant of three thousand dollars for each year you go to pay for food books supplies anything you may need to complete phycology. We have a spot ready for you in classes after you graduate this year."

My deepest dream had come true. Harvey smiled as he watched me shake my head and leap across the table hugging his neck. Bruce looked at me from the table where he sat at every day with all of his high class friends. Harvey always knew that I was hurt by Bruce judging me and he had tried getting us to talk again but I saw no point in trying to make us friends again. He was Bruce Wayne and I was Raven Lockheart. Nothing was similar between us. My family couldn't afford to keep me in the school if it wasn't for Harvey's parents paying for me to stay. His mother always told me she thought me and Harvey were perfect together. One problem with her statement was Harvey and I weren't together and he loved Rachel and she loved Bruce. As Bruce stared into my eyes I quickly turned my face away to see Jonathan Crane smiling at me.

"Looks like we will be spending a lot of time together Raven," He said staring at my emerald eyes with his cold icy blues.

"Sure does!" I said smiling at him, "I can't wait until we start class after summer break."

Crane smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder smirking at me and said,

"How about after you sign these papers we go out for the day?"

I nodded at him as I took the pen from the man next to Harvey and signed my name on the dotted line on the scholarship papers. I couldn't believe I was going to finally get my dream job.

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now