Back to the present

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"You have your last 15 mins..I'm not going to give a single extra minute after that...complete your exam quickly!" alarmed the invigilator.

*back to senses*

It is so fascinating that my imaginations traveled places, while my body is still. My thoughts took rewind yet i didn't realize all the time that I'm sitting in an exam hall, giving my last exam.

I quickly copied the question onto the paper, jumbled the keywords here and there and managed to get 4 different yet similar points, drew few benzene hexagons just to make the answer look more like organic chemistry.

That's it! I gave the paper away and hurried out in excitement,  

packed my bags.

cleaned my shoes...

carefully packed the pot that she gave me a year ago...and left for the evening train along with the entire family.

That night in the train, I wished I was with her already. If my heart had a voice it would yell "oh baby! I miss you...I do...". 

Watching the moon through the window, I asked few questions to myself...

Is her love still young? or did it somehow fade away..?

is she having the same excitement as I do? oh! this I pray!

Just when I turned the radio on,  "Wherever you go, whatever you do - Richard Marx" played, and every single line of lyric seemed much more than just coinciding with my thoughts.

I can't believe how crazy i fell in love with her. Words can never ever describe my fondness for her. I can't wait till i reach her, i can't wait till i hold her hands and tell how much i missed her.

may the train go faster than it's fastest speed.

Should i love or should i run?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin