Your his

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(Sarah's POV)
By the time I got to my fourth class I had not met anyone besides Niall. when I walked in all the seats were taken except one in the back. I sat by a girl with short straight hair that was dark red. she wore purple and green. "I like your hair" I said trying to break the ice.
"Thanks. I like your shirt" she said smiling. "I'm Kat" she said
"I'm Sarah" I said shaking her hand.
"I heard this teacher basically sleeps the entire period" Kat said in a whisper. she was right the teacher just told us to make friends and then feel asleep. "what class do you have next?" Kat asked taking out her schedule.
"Um.. lunch" I said
"Same here" she said we both smiled. "want to sit by me?" Kat said "I'll tell you who is who, I went to school before with most of these idiots" she said we both laughed.
Before we knew it the bell rang and we went to lunch. when we walked in it was like all hell broke lose. we eventually found seats and started eating when the five of them walked in.
Kat just looked at them. "those are the alpha males, once they mark you as theirs your off limits" they walked past us and Niall winked. Kat gasped. "he marked you"
"That's the second time today" I explained.
"That means he's really interested." Kat said with a wink, I shoved her. "anyway, those are the whores" Kat said pointing to a table full of girls wearing short skirts, shirts so tight I think they were cutting of blood circulation, and they were all wearing pink. "those are the jocks" she said pointing to a table of overgrown savages. "and those are the geeks" she said pointing to a table with people scribbling math formulas in notebooks.
The rest of the day was pretty stressful and I wanted to get my mind off of it so I drove to the gym. I'm glad I keep a extra change of clothes for this kind of thing. I parked my car and walked inside. there was no one her but a few guys by the punching bags and one guy alone.
I went in the bathroom to change then to the track. I was alone.
Some people like math some people like football, for me I like to run. I feel so free when I run like I'm floating. I saw a dark haired guy come over to me. I stopped. "hello?" I asked
"Hi, what's a sweet babe doing alone?" he said with a smirk.
"I would appreciate it if you go away." I said then started to run again. he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.
"I can go away, your just so hot" he said smiling
"Seriously leave me alone creep" I said then ran away. he grabbed my good wrist and did what Niall did to it.
"Listen sweetie, don't talk to me like that I-" he was cut off by someone punching him. which was good because I was about to pass out.
"Are you ok?" it was Niall.
"Yea I'm fine" I said holding my other wrist.
"You never called me" he said smiling.
"I didn't have time" I said smiling
"I have a deal for you, if I win you have to call me and if you win, you don't HAVE to call me. deal?" He said extending his hand.
"Deal" I said shaking it. "ok we should start from that line" I said pointing to a yellow line. We got ready. "Ready, set," I said getting into position. "GO" I said then going of the line fast. Niall was far behind. I was close to finishing when Niall walked over the line, then I did.
"I WIN!" Niall said waving his arms
"WHAT" I said.
"Now you have to call me." Niall said coming closer to me.

(Niall's POV)
I came closer to her and leaned in to give her a small peck on her cheek. she rubbed it slowly. Shes so cute.
I want her to be mine.

I think this was a cute chapter again thanks to the 1 person reading.





Love you <3 (#1)

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