What happened

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(Niall's POV)
Once I saw that asshole, Allen with Sarah I was fuming. what set me off was him kissing her and now Im in my room watching the most beautiful girl in the world sleep because of something I did.

I got out of the car and was fuming "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF HER!" I yelled but it only made the situation worse.
"What are you going to do about it" Allen challenged, I knew I should have never let Sarah go to New York alone
"Try me" I responded. Allen had a stupid smirk on his face and Sarah didn't know what was going on.
And at that moment when Allen put his lips on my Sarah everything including me was frozen.
I had enough
I stormed over to Allen and Sarah, I threw a punch and Allen moved out of the way and the punch hit Sarah.
She instantly dropped into Allen's arms.
"Put her down" I said my hands into fists, I was so angry that Allen had moved I could not describe it.
"What ever you say" Allen said with a smirk and took his hands from under Sarah and she dropped to the ground silently.
I walked over to him and threw a punch to his noes and then kicked him in the groin.
While he crumbled onto the ground I picked up Sarah and ran back to my car, I put her in the passenger seat and drove to me and the boys house as quick as I could.

~flashback over~

I heard a small groan come from Sarah. I quickly made my way over to her.
"Are you ok?" I asked her
"Yea" she started to sit up. She breathed in quick from the pain of where I accidentally punched her.
"Do you want me to get you some water?" I asked Sarah.
"Do you have anything for pain?" she asked
"Yea, I will go get it" I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead
I walked down the stairs and saw Zayn and Harry in the kitchen with Louis and Liam on the couch.
"How is she?" Harry and Zayn asked in unison.
"She's in pain" I said grabbing the pain medicine from the drawer.
After I got the pain medicine I got a glass with some water in it.
"Niall" Harry said putting his hand on my shoulder. "can I talk to you?" he asked.
"Sure?" I said confused.
Harry guided me over to the side. this was not like him.
"You really like Sarah right?" Harry asked.
"Yea a lot, more then that. I love her more then life." I said being totally serious.
"the second semester is starting tomorrow and I picked up her new classes" Harry explained. "Niall you don't have any classes with her." Harry finally said.
"Harry I will fix it" I said then started to walk back upstairs. I turned around to Harry. "she will always be safe" I said then went up the stairs.
"Are you feeling any better?" I asked Sarah.
"No" she said. "can you come snuggle with me?" Sarah said with a fake pout face.
"Sure babe" I said and put the pain stuff and water on my bedside table.

(Sarah's POV)
I had pain in my side and there was a huge dark bruise, Niall climbed into the bed with me, I needed him, I needed the warmth of him.
"You know I love you right" Niall said into my ear.
"I know" I said smiling.
"I think I'm going to get a tattoo for you" Niall said smiling back at me. "I think it's going to be a shamrock with your name in it, on my wrist" he said showing me the bare wrist.
"Why a shamrock?" I asked
"Because your my luck" he said kissing my forehead. My heart fluttered. "I think we should get some rest" Niall suggested.
"Good idea" I answered and set my head on Niall's chest.

(Harry's POV)
I was tired of going from girl to girl every night I wanted someone to love and to hold. what's sad is Every time I see Sarah my heart gets lighter, I am not stealing one of my best mates girlfriends. even if she is the most beautiful girl ever.
*next morning*
I woke up and went down to the kitchen to make breakfast.
I was drinking some chocolate milk when Sarah came limping down the stairs. I went over to help her.
"Niall is still sleeping." Sarah said
"Ok, if you want you can help me make breakfast?" I asked her.
"Sure although I don't think I could
help a whole lot" Sarah said giggling.
Sarah sat down on a chair and I got out the pancake batter.
Right then I herd Footsteps coming down the stairs, I knew it was Niall when I started to hear humming.
"What's for breakfast?" he asked, he skipped over to Sarah and planted a kiss on her forehead.
"Were making pancakes" I said.

(Sarah's POV)
Harry was acting different after Niall came down an kissed me.
"So what are we doing for Christmas?" I asked, when ever it came to Christmas I was always excited.
"Were probably going to have all the girls over and lousy hang out and watch a few movies, you don't have to buy presents" Niall explained. "that's what we did last Christmas, but the difference is I have you this time" Niall said and my heart fluttered, he came over and hugged me from behind. My side still hurt from yesterday but I didn't care.
Harry's face formed a face of disappointment?
"Does Harry need a hug?" I asked with a fake frown. He nodded.
Me and Niall went over to Harry and had a group hug.
"I feel much better." Harry said laughing
We broke from the hug and me and Niall went to our original places.
"So I was thinking of getting that tattoo today" Niall said smiling.
"Are you sure?" I asked "its going to be with you forever" I said.
"So are you" Niall answered making me melt.
"Maybe I should get a little N on my wrist and you should get a little S" I suggested.
"I like that idea even better" Niall said "are you sure?" Niall asked "I have other tattoos and" Niall stopped. "Maybe you should get yours later" he said.
"Fine" I said blowing imaginary hair out of my eyes. Niall kissed my nose.
"Hello? still here" Harry said pretending to gag.

Hi everyone
Thank you so much we are almost at 1K reads and it's really exciting for me!! 😋




Love you all so much 💕

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