Why did i come to NY

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*2 weeks later*
(Sarah's POV)
It was finally winter break, me and my family were going to New York to see my grandparents for a week.
I was numbed out because I didn't get to see Niall but I still had a week with him when I came back.
There was also another bad part, the flight. it was from California to New York and I personally don't like flying.
"Sarah wake up" my mom said shaking me out of my bed.
"Why are we waking up at 5 in the morning when the flight is at 9?" I asked getting up.
"Because, I said so" I hated it when my mom answered like that.
I sat down in my seat on the plane and pulled out my phone.
To: Niall
Just got on the plane.
Miss you already 😘

I clicked send then put my earplugs in.

From: Niall
Miss you to baby 😘

I smiled. Someone sat down next to me.
"Hi" it was a guy about my age with brunette hair and brown eyes.
"Hi" I answered.
"So what are you going to New York for?" he asked smiling. I could hear his New York accent.
"Seeing my grandparents for the holidays" I said smiling back. "what about you?" I asked
"Just going home, I was in Cali to visit my sister" he said. "So what's your name stranger?" he said lightly laughing.
"Sarah" I answered "what about you?" I asked, he had dimples.
"Allen" he answered.
Halfway through the flight I fell asleep then woke up a hour later. I missed Niall so much, I pulled out my phone and looked at pictures of us.
"Who's that?" Allen asked looking at my phone.
"My boyfriend" I answered not taking my eyes off the pictures.
"I think he goes to the same school as my sister. I don't know that name seems familiar." he said looking closer at the picture. "Her name is Rachael by the way" Allen said and my eyes got wide.
"She goes to me and my boyfriends school" I said looking at my phone thinking about what she had done.
"Yea a few weeks ago she came home with a huge red mark on her cheek. she said someone slapped her? I don't really know" Allen said looking forwards.
"I was kinda, the one that slapped her" I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"Oh" Allen said "what did she do?" Allen asked.
"She was flirting with my boyfriend" I explained "and was being a bitch" I said hoping he didn't get mad.
the plane finally landed and me, my mom, and sister were getting off.
"Hey Sarah wait, here's my number if you want someone to show you around" Allen said handing me a piece of napkin.
"Thanks. I'll think about it" I said while we walked away from each other.
I pulled out my phone and texted Niall.

Just landed in NY
Met a guy on the plane that was Rachael's brother?
Miss you 😊

I clicked send. I didn't get a response like I usually do. I could not shake the feeling something was wrong.
"YOU 2 HAVE GOTTEN SO BIG!" My grandmother said hugging me and my sister.
"Hi grandma" I said smiling. I was probably going to be really bored this week.
"You 2 can go put your things in your rooms" my mom said.
I walked into my room and I sat on the bed and pulled out the napkin with Allen's number on it. I dialed it.
"Hi" he said.
"Hey it's Sarah" I said walking over to the mirror.
"Hey Sarah!" his voice brightened up. "so can I take you on a tour of New York?" he asked.
"Sure" I said "pick me up in 5 minutes" I said giving him the address.
"Ok bye" Allen said while I clicked the end call button. I walked over to my bag grabbing a jacket.
I walked to the front door.
"Where are you going?" my mom asked
"My friend is going to take me on a tour of the city. be back in a few hours" I said walking out the door.
"And there's the best deli in the city" Allen said pointing to a small store. "want to go to the Statue of Liberty now?" he asked looking like a little kid on Christmas.
"Sure" I said.
"If you look closely you can see fish swimming." Allen said. we were at the top of the statue, I just with I was here with Niall.
"I see them" I Answered. Allen looked over at me. we were the only ones in the tower since it was below freezing. Allen leaned into my. I though he was going to tell me something.
i pushed away as fast as I could. "what's wrong" he asked.
"Allen I don't mean to be bitchy but I HAVE A FUCKING BOYFRIEND THAT I LOVE!" I yelled at him started I to go down the stairs.
"He doesn't have to know" Allen said pinning me up against the wall. I tried to push him off but he grabbed my wrists. "why are you struggling?" he asked with a smirk. I spit in his face. he fell backward an let go of my wrists.
i ran down the stairs again.
I was almost at the bottom when he grabbed my shoulders. "ever since I saw you on the plane, I wanted you." he said looking in my eyes smirking.
"Get off me and leave me alone" I said trying to shake him off.
"Rachael told Niall about you meeting me on the plane." Allen said and my eyes widened. "she told him you made out with me on the plane" he said smiling. I let a tear slide. "Niall flipped out and he said 'tell Sarah not to come back'" I let more tears slide. "she texted me and told me that he has not been coming to school" Allen said. I'm guessing this is why Niall didn't text me.
"Allen your a ass" I said then stormed out the door and got on the first boat to get off that horrible island.
"Niall please answer" I said waiting for him to pick up. I dialed his number so the caller ID didn't show up.
"Hello" I could tell he had been crying.
"Niall, please don't listen to Rachael. I love you and only you." I said quickly.
"I don't need you, that douche can have you." Niall said, I could tell he was partially drunk.
"Niall don't say that please, I love you." I pleaded. Niall stayed silent. "Niall I love you and only you" I said starting to cry. "Please Niall, he pushed me up on a wall and started making out with me, I pushed him off. he did it again but he grabbed my wrists so I could not push him off. then I spit in his face and ran away." I explained quickly.
"Sarah. I know you, I know your personality, I know you would not cheat on me. I'm getting on the first plane to New York. I need to make sure your ok" Niall said. I smiled with tears in my eyes.
"You would do that" I asked.
"Of corse I would" he said. The I clicked the end call button.
I walked back to my grandmas apartment.
"Hi sweetie" my grandma said looking over her news paper.
"Hi" if said walking to my room.
I fell onto the bed.

From: Niall
Just getting on a plane to NY ❤️

I smiled and sent him the address to the apartment.
I put my phone on the charger and fell asleep even though it was only 7 at night.

This is a really crappy chapter
I feel like I started a new story? idk.
Check out my other fan fiction ~spring break~
Also please




Thank you guys so much for over 200 reads it means the world to me. 😘
Love you all 💞

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