The end

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(Niall's POV)
I will never get that picture on that piece of paper out of my mind. The comment on the bottom of the paper really got me worried about Sarah. The picture was a image of Sarah unconscious with a bloody nose and the caption said 'this was only the beginning' - Allen. I couldn't get it out of my mind. Now I'm never going to let Sarah out of my sight. since she's on my bed sleeping it's easy to keep a eye on her.
*knock knock*
Harry walked in, and looked at me then looked at Sarah.
"How's she doing?" he asked still looking at Sarah.
"She's doing ok" I answered looking at him.
"This is all my falt" Harry said moving his hand though his hair and sighing. "i said I would protect her when you were gone but I didn't" he said starting to pace around my room. I stayed silent, because it was his falt but not entirely.
"It was not all your falt" I said stopping "I left in the first place." I said
"No you left to go get Liam and I should have gone to get him and not you." Harry said and I stayed quiet.
a small groan came from Sarah. "I'll leave you two alone" Harry said and left the room.
"Niall?" Sarah said in a small voice.
"I'm right here baby" I answered grabbing her hand.
"What happened? I blacked out and I woke up with you, Harry, and Liam talking then I feel asleep." Sarah said.
I explained what happened after we found Sarah and she just sat in shock from the picture and caption.
The next day I woke Sarah up since she spent the night and we decided instead of going to school we would go to the police station.

(Sarah's POV)
I still had proof of Allen beating me so we thought before the bruises disappeared we would go tell the police.
"In you go my lady" Niall said opening the door for me.
"Why thank you sir" I said curtsying. we both laughed as Niall shut the door. On the drive to the police station Niall gabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with my fingers.
When we pulled up to the large building Niall opened the door for me and motioned for me to enter and I giggled. "thank you"
We walked up to the front desk. "hello" i said to a lady sitting in front of a computer.
"Hello, how can I help you?" she asked looking up at me and Niall.
"Were here to speak with a officer." Niall said to the lady.
"Ok one of our officers will be right with you please take a seat while waiting" she said then went back to typing.
"Hello I'm Brian o'donnel chief officer" he said extending his hand to Niall while we both stood then we both shook his hand.
"Hello I'm Niall and this is Sarah" Niall said motioning towards me.
"We would like to talk to you about assault" I said looking at Niall.
"Sure follow me" he said and guided us to a office while he sat down and me and Niall sat in the chairs across from him. "now tell me more specifically about what you need to know." He said leaning back
"I was assaulted at school" I said looking at the officer.
"Do you know who it is" he asked looking interested.
"Yes, his name is Allen smith" I said.
"Is there anything we can do about what happened?" Niall asked holding my hand under the desk.
Chief o'donnel explained all the options and arrest sounded the best to me.
"Are there anymore charges you want to tell us about?" he asked
"No" I answered.
"Do you have any proof he was the one who assaulted you?" the chief asked us.
"Yes we found a paper that was from Allen." Niall said and I looked at him since I had not known about this paper.
"Can I see it?" He asked.
Niall pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to the chief.
(3 days later)
After some investigation Allen was arrested with charges of assault. Niall pulled me into a hug then whispered into my ear "your safe now, no one else will hurt you" then kissed my forehead.
(20 years later)
It's been 20 years since that day and me and Niall are married with a little girl and a little boy on the way.
No one has bothered us since Allen, the rest of the boys have settled down except Harry who is engaged with a wedding in December.
Life is good.

This fan fiction is done.
I'm starting a new Harry one in a while.
I'm so sorry this story had to end :/
I hope you are all happy with the ending, I thought it was cute.




I love you all and thank you some much for making this story so successful :* <3

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