Its beautiful

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(Sarah's POV)

I took my blindfold off to see that I was in the middle of a large meadow surrounded by woods. "Niall" I managed to say while he picked a wildflower and put it in my hair. I smile at him and he smiled back holding my chin up to meet his eyes. "It's so beautiful" I said looking into his eyes.

"I know" he said leaning into me. "but not as beautiful as you" Niall said nearly above a whisper.

He touched his lips on mine and we started to Kiss. I could tell he loved me with all his heart and I loved him back.


Niall and I were laying in the meadow looking at the clouds. he had his arm wrapped around me and I was laying on him. "that one looks like a pig" I said pointing to a cloud that honestly looked like a pig or maybe a cow.

"That one looks like a giraffe" Niall said pointing to a cloud in the other direction. He started to hum a song then he leaned over to face me. "Sarah I just want you to know I love you" Niall said grabbing a small box from his back pocket. he opened it and there was a ring made out of hearts.

"Niall" I said covering my mouth. "it's amazing" I said smiling.

"It's a promise ring. I just want you to know I will never do anything to hurt you." Niall said putting the ring on my pointer finger. I looked at my hand while he was putting the ring on. I noticed he had a matching ring on his pointer finger except it has one heart on the back.

"Niall" I said looking in his eyes letting a tear slip. He wiped it away. "I love you" I said hugging him.

"I know you do" he said nearly above a whisper.


Me and Niall decided to stay in the meadow all day and it was becoming cold. I was freezing since I had a t-shirt on. "are you cold" Niall asked looking at me.

"Yea" I said trying to smile. We both sat up and Niall lifted me into his lap and wrapped his jacket around us. "thanks" I said looking up at him.

"No problem babe" he said kissing my forehead.

we stayed like this talking about the stars for a few hours and it was 1 in the morning.

"Niall I need to get back to my house tonight" I said looking at my phone and realizing what time it was.

"I'm going to miss cuddling" Niall said pouting. i kissed his cheek. "I'll drop your clothes off after school tomorrow" Niall said while we both got up and went to the car.

"Ok" I said looking at his chest.

We drove to my house with my head oh Niall's shoulder (i was trying not to fall asleep) and Niall's Hand on my knee.


When Niall left I kissed him, walked into my room, plugged in my phone to the charger, and fell asleep.

(Niall's POV)


I woke up not feeling the warmth from Sarah. I didn't want to get up but I wanted to see her. I groaned getting out of my bed.

I took a shower then got dressed. I wore skinny jeans and a t-shirt that Sarah liked. I picked up my phone and texted her.

~hey babe good morning~ I clicked send then got a immediate response

~morning baby what time are you picking me op for school?~

~7:30, see you then babe :*~ I typed smiling.

I got into my car and drove to Sarah's house. ~out on your driveway~ I typed then saw Sarah in a window.

~be right out~ I saw her grab her phone to type it.

(Sarah's POV)

I got into Niall's car and smiled like a idiot at him. he started to laugh.

"What that for?" he said smiling.

My stomach started to make whale nosies. "it's because I'm hungry" I said while Niall pulled out of the driveway.

"I'll stop at mc Donald's" he said me going crazy happy in the passenger seat.


After I was all full Niall looked at my hand.

"I see your wearing the ring" he said smiling.

"Why would I not be wearing it?" I said kissing his cheek. we walked into the school. there was 30 minutes before 1st period. Niall grabbed my hand and I could feel his ring. we swung our hands walking to our lockers.

Niall leaned up against a locker while I opened mine.

"You look so cute when you put your books away" Niall said smiling and sighing.

"I try" i said smiling and curtsying. we both laughed. Niall came over and kissed me, the happiness didn't last for long.

"Wow Niall you got her locked on quick" Rachael said walking up with 2 other whores.

"Rachael just shut it" Niall said going in front of me.

"Well, it's not my falt that you get with a girl one night then don't talk to her the next day" Rachael said looking at her nails.

"Stop" Niall said getting mad. Rachael looked over at me.

"You might want to rethink your choice of a boyfriend" she said then started to laugh and walk away. Niall was fuming.

"Niall calm down" I said touching his shoulder. he was amazingly mad no words could describe it. his teeth were clenched and his hands were fists. "Niall please clam down." I said leaving my hand on his shoulder.

Niall grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the lockers with the fastest reflexes I had ever seen.

"You calm down, you don't know how much that bitch annoys me. you don't know how it feels to have your parents dead, you don't know how I feel at all." Niall said, my wrists were hurting.

"Niall please" I said trying to move.

(Niall's POV)

I didn't realize how mad I was and before I knew it the girl I loved was pinned up in the lockers while I was acting mad towards her. I saw the pain and hurt in her eyes and dropped her down immediately she grabbed her wrists and faced the other way. "Sarah I didn't-" I was cut off by her.

"Niall go away please" Sarah said. those 4 words broke my heart. I didn't mean to do anything.

"Sarah are you ok?" I said turning her around so she was facing me. her wrists were bright red.

"Niall please" she said letting a tear slide.

"Sarah-" I tried to say. she was breaking my heart.i

"NIALL IM SERIOUS!" Sarah yelled at me letting more and more tears slide down her perfect cheeks. I let 1 slide then 2 then 3. I could not hold it in. I looked at her hand and at the ring.

"I'm sorry" I said walking away. I was not going to give Sarah up that easily.

(Sarah's POV)

I know Niall didn't mean to hurt me but he kept letting his temper get the best of him. Also I knew he loved me and I knew he needed time to let the steam get out of him. I was still mad at him though.


That was a dramatic chappie.

I liked it though :)

The reads and votes are stuck again saying I have 50 reads and close to 12 votes and it says I only have 7 chapters up when this is my 9th

I am also on my phone so that might be the problem.





Love you all <3 :)

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