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"But how did Sam know?" I asked.

"He called me a few minutes ago while you were performing. Didn't you notice?" Elliot asked.

"No sir, I guess not." I replied.

"At any rate, I came here to offer you a valuable career. Imagine yourself as a professional musician at star records." I looked at Angel. I could tell what she really wanted.

"Thank you, Mr. Zio. But I have to respectfully decline."

"Are you sure?" Elliot asked. I started to walk to Angel.

"I'm very sure Mr. Zio. Because you see my life is with her. If I choose to be a widely known musician, I wouldnt have time for her... And that is something I couldn't do." I replied. Angel smiled while everyone was 'awe wing'

"Very well Jet. Just remember, you got something more valuable other than your talented voice." Elliot said.

"I'll make a note if it sir." I replied.

"Here is my card in case you change your mind, Jet"

Jet Book 1 part ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon