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After that was done, Angel and I wanted to surprised each other with the dessert. We started working on opposite stove's but in the same station. Pretty soon we finished the desserts. The dessert I made, it was covered with a cloth. As for Angel's dessert, it was covered also. We both turned around, hiding the dessert.

"Ready? on 3 ok?" Angel asked. I nodded.

"1... 2... 3..!" I counted. We both uncovered both desserts that we made. Once we saw what each of us had made, I made Angel's favorite dessert. It had triple chocolate and layers of chocolate cake. It might sound gross of how I described it sounding like too much chocolate, but actually it's quite good. I can see why Angel likes it so much, it's like paradise. As for what Angel had made, it  was homemade play dough ice cream from scratch. It really doesnt taste like play dough, the ice cream I mean. They just call it play dough ice cream... It's actually really good.

"How did you know?" We boyh said in unison. We both laughed. We kind of joked about that. Angel and I been together for a long time now and the good thing is, tomorrow is our anniversary. (Go to page 68)

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