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Now realize on fencing they don't use real swords. In fencing you learn how to use a sword, but when it comes to fencing, foil swords are only used.

After A.J was struck down, Black Shadow removed his black helmet. Everyone was shocked at who was the Black Shadow.

"Jet Sorenson?" A.J asked confusingly.

"One and only. And I'm going to put a stop for you to try and kill me. Can't you see it A.J? Angel and I were meant to be. Even if you did kill me, Angel would never fall in love with you." I said.

"You sure about that Jet?" A.J gave a slight unusual smile.

"Umm... Yes. Why would she fall in love with a killer?" I asked

"Your right Jet! This isn't the last time you heard from A.J Thunder Jackson!" he exclaime. After that,

A.J left. Then everyone rushed over to me, Angel came up to me and I dipped her and kissed her. I saw Angel smiling at me.

"Hey beautiful lady." I said to her smiling. (go to page 58)

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