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I pondered. We didn't talk that much during lunch, mainly because I was still trying to figure out the missing pieces. Soon after the school bell rang to go to my last class. Angel got up and waited to our class. Not long after that, I got up also. We started walking to our last class. I actually like this last class because we actually get to cook and eat what we made. We got to our last class soon after that.

"Alright class, take your seats." Mrs. Witty said, our foods instructor. We did as what we were told. The thing about Mrs. Witty is she is so into this topic... She loves cooking and ecstatic about it... Really ecstatic.

"Class, today we 're going to make 2 things today. First we're going to make twice baked potatoes. And the dessert of your choice!" she exclaimed. The whole class cheered. The school year, it took us a long time to understand Mrs. Witty's ways, but eventually we learned it. After she finished talking we all went to our stations. Angel and I were partners in this class. Angel and I always do things together because we trust each other. Angel and I helped each other put the ingredients for twice baked potatoe. (Go to page 67)

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