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"Hi Tiffany." I replied

"How are you feeling?" She asked

"Still replenishing but other than that, I am fine." I told her.

"That's good. Can I get you anything?" She asked me.

"Oh please, not that. I dont want to feel like I am a king and the school is my slave... That's just not right." I replied back

"Alright, if you say so Jet. If you neeed anything, you can let us know. Any of us." She told me

"Thank you Tiffany, I'll make a note of it." Tiffany just nodded. Then without another word, she left.

Pretty soon the school bell rang for the last class to start. Well, not actually start. But giving us a warning to go to our last class. This class I really like beause we basically watch movies. Easy right? Normally Angel would be in a different class but I can't be away from her or something bad will happen to me. I wouldnt say stuck to her like glue in case you were thinking. Our teacher, Mr. Ryder tried to quiet the class until we came in. At that point, everyone looked at us.

"Oh good your here. Maybe you could simmer them down." Mr. Ryder said. They all looked at us

"Class, do what Mr. Ryder says." I told them.

"Why should we?" One kid named Drake asked. I fell silent for a minute. When I looked at Angel, she nodded.

Jet Book 1 part IWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt