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"Mom, that was a long time ago. I'm sure I am fine now." I tried telling her.

"I don't know Jet." she was concerned.

"Mom, watch. Hand me that nut right there." I pointed to the honey nut peanuts. She didn't want to do it at first, but she finally gave in. She handed me the peanut.

"Now watch." I told her again. I took a bite of the peanut... And strangely, no reaction.

"You see? I'm fine." I was fine at the moment.

"Looks like you were right Jet." She said to me. I started walking towards the door but I felt dizzy.

"Jet, are you ok?" my mother asked me. I couldn't say anything. I took one step and I fell to the floor. My mother ran to me.

"Jet!" my mother screamed. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed 911.

"Hello, 911? My son just collapsed. Can you get a car over here?" She asked the person on the other end. After a few minutes, she hung up the phone. There was nothing she could do until the ambulance came... She had that worried look on her face. I been passing our for a few times now. And I'm not sure why. I'm pretty healthy, I eat right, I work out.

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