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My mother looked at me in a kind of way as if she wondered if that was really true.

"Mom, I am a teenager in high school. And teenagers have homework... I am telling the truth. You know that I am truthful most of the time." I smiled. Finally my mother nodded. And it was true, she knows that I would never lie to her.

" Well, we better eat. The food is getting cold." my mother mentioned.

"What are we having?" I asked.

"Chinese." she said. I sat down at the table.. But the thing is, there was no chairs. Only cushions. I wondered what happened to them.

"Mom? Where are the chairs?" I wondered.

"Chinese people don't sit in chairs... They cross legs or kneel on cushions." she mentioned. The weird thing about my mom is she is a history teacher at another school. If she teaches about something about a culture, she gets the idea for dinner. She is sometimes weird that way, but it is interesting.

I kneeled on the cushions. But the other thing that kind of confused me was, where was the knives, spoons, and forks we usually use?

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