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We geaded into Angel's house.

"Thanks Rian." I said to the limo driver

"Sure thing Mr. Sorenson. It was a good thing for your special lady." Rian said. I just nodded and started walking with Angel. Once inside, she went to the kitchen to make herself a drink.

"Jet, you surprise me with a lot of stuff but this has been the biggest surprise. Thanks Darling." She said

"Your welcome." I replied

"Do you want something to drink?" She asked me

"I'm fine, thank you." I replied.

Later that same night, Angel went to bed at 10:00 PM. She wasn't asleep but she was in bed. She wanted to talk to me because she said it helped her make her sleepy. It's not because I was boring or anything, I'm not though. It just happens late at night.

"Jet, would you love me forever?" She was curious.

"Why are you asking that honey?" I asked.

"I dont know, just a feeling." she said.

"Honey, I love you now and forever." I assured her.

"Really?" She seemed like she was confused. (Go to page 77)

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