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"Where too? The hospital?" Angel's mom asked.

"No! Jet can't stand that place... Even if my darling woke up in one." She exclaimed as she stroke my hair with her fingers. Then she kissed me on the forehead.

"Ok, where to then?" She asked again.

"Home" Angel replied.

"You sure Angel?" Her mom asked.

"I never been more positive. Actually I always have been positive.. Just take us home. I'll handle it from here mom." Angel replied.

"Alright then" She replied. Angel's mom turned around while Angel was sitting in the back next to me. We got to Angel's house and Angel's mom put the van in park.

"What now Ang?" Her mom asked.

"Open the doors for me. The van and front door." Angel replied. Angel's mom went around the van to open the door. Angel climbed out of the van. Then Angel put my arms around her arms and started walking towards the door. Then Angel's mom opened the door.

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