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She smiled. After a few minutes gone by, the drink was finally ready... I wonder why it was white color. She lifted the drink and handed it to me.

"You sure Ang?" I wondered

"Sweetie, have I ever tried to poison you?" She asked with a smile.

"Not really." I replied Angel nodded wanting me to take the drink. I always trusted Angel, no matter what she says. Sometimes I would joke around acting as if I should really trust her. Without having a second thought, I took a drink... And surprisingly it was really good.

"How is it?" She asked

"What is it?" I pondered.

"Pina Colada." She said

"Its quite good honey." I replied. After that, Angel poured a drink for herself. She started drinking the pina colada, then she smiled at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked confusingly

"I'm just trying to think." She replied

"About what?" I wondered

"You. Before the first accident, the morning we were walking to school, you were fine. But since then everytime you leave me, something bad happens to you. But when your with me, nothing happens." She said. She look

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