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That very same day at 1:00, everyone poured into the fencing room, where the fencing members have their matches. A.J was on the right side of the match in fencing armor waiting for his opponant. A few minutes later A.J's opponant entered the room with a black fencing armor but different than A.J's. He finallu entered the opposite side of A.J

"So your the Black Shadow." A.J said

"Yes. I challenged you to ask you a question." The Black Shadow replied.

"I could answer your question, but couldn't you ask me in person?" A.J asked.

"I'm afraid not Mr. Jackson. I know what it is like with you." The Black Shadow replied.

"How do you know me?" A.J. asked

"Not so fast. You answer my question and I answer yours." The Black Shadow said.

"Alright." A.J replied. Just then when the match was about to begin, the referee only said two words.

"En guard!" A.J made the first strike but the Black Shadow blocked the attack.

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