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"2:15" I replied.

"Quick! Turn on the TV!" Angel said enthusiastically. I turned on the TV like Angel said. After that moment, I heard the announcer's voice.

"Welcome to Star Performer! Where regular people like you, become widely known!" The announcer exclaimed. From what I heard, Star Performer was the most TV show with the highest ratings. And that most Americans watch. As for myself, I really never seen Star Performer.

"How long has Star Performer been on?" I asked.

"About 5 minutes" Angel replied.

"No, I mean how long has Star Performer been around?" I asked.

"Actually, this is the newest TV show." Angel replied.

"I have never seen it." I replied.

"We'll, your in luck. Sit on the couch next to me. Your going to love this." Angel said. I sat down on the couch next to Angel. Angel started to lay down with her head on my shoulder.

"Could you tell me what's going on?" I asked.

"Ok, you see that guy right there? He is the guy that hosts the show. This show is for people with the best voices. Before the show starts, a group of people that are secretly part of Star Performer look for teens with good voices. They go under cover to hide their identity. But they don't reveal themselves until they meet up with the person that just performed. If they think Star Performer will like their voices, they will talk to them." Angel said.

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